•chapter eight•

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The front door opened and closed at eight PM. You were furious to say the least. You had barely touched the brandy you brought upstairs because you were too busy crying. Now that Daveed was home, you didn't know what to say to him.

    He stopped in the door way of your bedroom and took in the scene. You held eye contact with him as long as possible.

    "You look sad," he said, entering the room. He ran a hand over your hair and kissed the top of your head. "What's wrong?"

    All you could do was smirk. "I look sad?" you laughed.

    He gave you a confused look. "Are you okay?"

    "I'm fine."

    He glanced at the bottle of brandy on the nightstand then back at you. "Are you drunk?"

    "No, I'm not, actually."

    "Okay, what's going on?" His tone was more serious than before. "You seem really upset."

    "Because I am," you retorted, kicking your legs off the bed and walking out of the room.

    "How are you gonna say you're upset and then leave? Tell me what's wrong," Daveed said, trailing behind you.

    "I shouldn't have to tell you! It should be obvious!" you cried. "It's eight o'clock, you should've been home hours ago!"

    "Whoa, sorry," he laughed.

    "'Whoa, sorry' my ass. That's not an excuse."

    "Then what am I supposed to say?"

    "Explain why Rafael showed up at four. You said you rescheduled."

    "I did," he responded.

    "Rafa said he never got a call."

    "Well he should have..."

    "I think he'd remember a phone call, Diggs!" you yelled.

    "Quit yelling, damn," he muttered.

    "Quit yelling?! I'ma yell all I want right now. You lied to me!"

    "Baby, I think-"

    "Don't give me that 'baby' shit. I don't need your sympathy, I need some answers."

    "Okay then! Answers to what?"

    "Why are you home so late?! That's the only thing we've been talking about!"

    "I got busy," he replied.

    "Why didn't you text me so Rafael didn't have to waste his time?"

    "I got caught up, (Y/N). I didn't realize."

    "You're a liar. Just tell me that you lied," you concluded, crossing your arms.

    "I didn't lie! Why would I lie to you?"

    "I'm not leaving until you admit that you lied."

    "I guess you're not leaving," he chuckled. "(Y/N), I would never lie to you! You're acting like you don't trust me."

    Daveed placed his hands on your hips and tenderly kissed your neck. Tears welled up in your eyes because you knew he wasn't a liar but this wasn't making sense.

    "But Eden didn't come over either," you mumbled, resisting the urge to fall into his arms.

    "I'm sorry, baby."

    You let the tears fall against your will. You wanted to ask him about the information Rafael disclosed to you but you knew you couldn't. It'd bring nothing but trouble.

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now