•chapter fourteen•

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The sun began to set at around seven o'clock and you knew Soccer really wanted to go for a walk but you couldn't bring yourself to get out of bed. You were beginning to regret what you did today and the remorse didn't sit easy with you. Angel had been there since the beginning of time and you let him go.

    You only got out of bed for a drink. You poured yourself a glass of whiskey and it took it upstairs to the balcony.

    You had fifteen unread messages and not a single one was from Daveed. At this point, you'd given up. He could be on an island vacation with Eden right now and you wouldn't say anything. You just wished he'd break up with you.

    The liquid met your lips and you instantly choked at the taste. This wasn't whiskey at all.

    It was apple juice.

    You slammed your glass on the floor, sending millions of pieces in different directions and waking Soccer from his nap. He followed you as you stormed downstairs to the kitchen.

    The wine bottles were filled with cranberry juice and the Vodka was simply filled with water. Your stomach twisted when you remembered that you finished off the remainder of the white wine.

    There was no alcohol in the house whatsoever. You felt like the walls were caving in.

    Intense anger surged through your body as you thought about the betrayal you'd faced these last couple weeks. You couldn't let yourself get hurt anymore.

    You went upstairs and packed four bags worth of stuff. There was still a lot more to be collected but you'd come back for that later.

    As you came back down, you thought of Daveed for some reason. It was nearing eight PM and even before he started cheating he wasn't home by then, especially since he was working on a new album. You found paper and a pen, even though it made you feel dumb.

   I'll come back for the rest of my things later and you better be here. Since you want to play games, I'm joining the fun. Don't call me because I won't answer. Enjoy sleeping by yourself. OH WAIT

    You dropped the pen and reread the last two sentences over and over. This was actually a reality for you. After everything you'd been through he really had the nerve to reopen the wound.

    You craved a drink with every fiber of your being but then remembered you couldn't even have that. Something came over you in a matter of seconds. Anger would be an understatement.

    Apple juice flooded the floor when you hammered the bottle of whiskey into the tile. The bottles of wine and Vodka were next. Daveed took away this lifeline when you were dying, most likely because it was "out of love". He seemed to think being unfaithful wasn't the weapon used to hurt you. It was the only reason you were clinging to the alcohol anyway.

    You picked up your things and called for Soccer to follow you. He was still new to the name concept.

    It felt weird leaving on such short notice but it was for the best. This house had become a toxic wasteland and disaster was going to strike anyway. It was just a matter of when.

    The drive to your new, old home felt like an eternity but when it came into view you couldn't hold back the tears. You really separated yourself from Daveed and it hurt you so much.

    Soccer explored his hopefully temporary new home as you found the bedroom and let your bags fall to the floor. You bought this house years ago with the help of your parents and you didn't have the heart to sell it when you moved in with Daveed. You suddenly became grateful for that decision.

    You went through your nightly routine before getting in bed and inviting Soccer to join you. You needed the company.

    The fact that you couldn't even think about sleeping without Daveed frustrated you. He made you feel safe but he also made you feel worthless at the same time. There was no in between.

    At around midnight you were still wide awake fighting back tears when your phone rang. Of course Daveed would call knowing that you wouldn't answer. You stayed true to your words.

    After the calls came the texts and you eventually just turned your phone over. Why did he care about you now that you were gone?

    All you wanted was for him to be beside you right now, holding you close and dismissing any worries you had. He was the one who built you back up from scratch and then knocked you back over. You cried for him anyway because you wanted to believe there was still love left for you in him. You almost wanted him to keep hurting you. At least you didn't have to sleep alone.




I feel like there's a ton of typos because I was rushing to get this out so please don't hesitate to comment if you see any errors.

The next couple chapters will also be kinda upsetting whoops. It has to get worse before it gets better!!

More soon!🦉

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now