•chapter thirteen•

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You woke up the next morning alone, confused and in pain. You must've gotten carried away at the bar, as usual.

Your jumpsuit was hanging up on the dresser, giving you brief fragments of memories from last night. You grabbed Daveed's shirt from the edge of the bed and went downstairs.

He must've heard you coming because he lifted his headphones from his ears and turned toward your direction. "Good morning."

"Hi." You flashed an empty smile and opened the refrigerator. "How's your song?"

"How's my song?!" he cried. His sudden change of tone nearly made you jump.

"It's too early to be yelling, Daveed." You greeted Soccer who was anxiously awaiting his breakfast.

"(Y/N), you do realize I'm tired of your behavior, right?" he asked.

"What behavior? All I've done is live my life. Is that wrong all of a sudden?"

"Don't get smart with me," he snapped. "You know what I'm talking about."

"Now you know how it feels," you said, pouring dog food into Soccer's bowl.

"What are you talking about? You embarrassed me in front of a lot of important people last night. This alcohol problem needs to stop. Right now."

"I'd stop if I was happy," you told him, feeling yourself get defensive.

"Happy? You have everything you could ever need right here. If you're really unhappy, talk to me instead of relying on drinking."

"You think I want to be like this?!"

"You can talk to me! I've been right here the whole time!" he exclaimed.

"No, you haven't! You're never here because you're with Eden!"

Daveed didn't reply so quickly this time. You two stared at each other for a few good seconds, both of you surprised at your comment.

"What?" he whispered. The look in his eyes nearly destroyed you.

"Nevermind, it doesn't matter."

"It does matter."

He was so quick to block you from exiting the kitchen. He took your hand and pressed his lips to it, which usually warmed your heart. The small things typically had the most impact on you but today it only made you sadder.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" You yanked your hand back and excused yourself upstairs.

Unfortunately, you had somewhere to be as well and you were not looking forward to it. It was time to start choreographing Eden's project and you almost wanted to quit. However, you got dressed anyway and drove to the dance studio, unapologetically late.

"You look exhausted," Angel said as you joined him and Jayce for stretches. "How was the yacht party?"

"How do you think?"

"Did you get drunk?" Jayce asked.

You locked eyes with him before replying, "I sure did."

"(Y/N), you seriously need to quit," Angel sighed, picking at his caramel curls.

"Quit what?"

"You know what I'm talking about!" he hissed. "Are you seriously gonna live your life like this?"

"What am I supposed to do then?" you argued.

"Get a therapist? Talk to me or Jayce? There are much better options than getting drunk on a boat," Angel suggested. "I understand you having a drink the moment after the whole Justin thing but now it's an addiction and it needs to stop."

"You know what? You don't fucking know my life. Don't ever tell me what I need to do." You got heated very quickly.

"I think everyone knows what's good and bad. You've become dependent on alcohol instead of depending on the people around you. We've all been here since the moment it happened!"

"You're making this about you right now," you commented.

"Bitch, I'm done with you. I'm just trying to be a good friend and you get all upset as usual because you think you're always right. You're gonna embarrass yourself one day."

"Like how I embarrass Daveed? You sound just like him with your stupid speeches. You're perfect for each other."

"Bitch, don't talk to me like that. Get your act together," Angel smirked.

"How about you leave me the fuck alone?" You stood to your feet and swiped your duffel bag off the floor. Angel followed you as you high-tailed to the exit.

"You're probably drunk right now, aren't you?" he asked, grabbing your arm as soon as he walked out the door.

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're my friend! I love you!"

"Then leave me alone!"

"I'm done. Give it to me," he commanded, crossing his arms.

"Give what?"

"The flask."


Angel snatched your duffel bag off your shoulder and rummaged through its contents until he found your bejeweled flask, which was filled to the brim.

"This is over, okay?" he declared.

"You don't run my life!" you yelled.

"I never said I did. But if you want to have a life, you need to quit this habit."

"Angel, just give it back," you groaned.

Instead, he unscrewed the top and poured the liquor into the grass nearby. When you thought he was finished, he walked over to the trashcan and tossed the empty flask inside.

"What is wrong with you?" you asked, your eyes watering at the thought of losing your lifeline.

"Oh, so something's wrong with me for caring about you? Get a life, (Y/N)."

"Delete my number, Angel. I never want to talk to you again." You stole your bag back and began walking to your car in tears.

"You'd still have to talk to me, honey. The dance thing?" he reminded you.

"I guess you're fired then," you decided.

"Fired? You can't do that!"

"People call me, not you when they want something done. I only let you join because you were my friend but I guess you aren't anymore!" you spat. "Delete my number."

Never in your life had you seen Angel look so upset but you didn't let it get to you. It felt good to let go.

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now