•chapter fifteen•

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A/N: The end gets kinda sensual. KINDA. Just KINDA.


You didn't get very much sleep last night. Every time you closed your eyes you saw Justin and it stung when you reached out to the empty space in the bed thinking Daveed would comfort you. Soccer went to sleep in a matter of seconds it seemed, and he couldn't exactly offer reassuring words.

It was four AM and the sun was beginning to peek through the shutters of your bedroom. You used to be a sucker for sunrises but it meant nothing to you today.

You took your phone off the charger and dragged yourself to the kitchen for a hopefully redeeming cup of coffee. You didn't want to check your notifications but you couldn't ignore them for long. You took a seat on the couch.

Daveed's texts were mostly all the same. Not once did he apologize for anything so you left him on read.

Next were the voicemails. You took a swig of your coffee before beginning.

"Baby, what the hell is going on? Where are you? Please answer me."

"(Y/N), seriously, I'm so worried about you, my love. Answer me, I'm begging you."

He left about ten messages and each one got more and more desperate and broken. Did he only start caring about you when you disappeared?

You didn't want any more messages from him so you blocked his number and even blocked him on social media so he didn't get any ideas. Then you got a call from Rafael which you reluctantly answered.


"(Y/N)?" He almost sounded surprised that you answered.

"Yeah, what do you want?"

"Are you okay? Where are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine. What do you want?"

"Diggs is releasing an album soon as you know, but he dropped a single today and he wanted you to choreograph a dance to it for his album release party next week."

You rolled your eyes to the back of your head. "It's too early for this."

"I'm sorry."

"Why me?" you sighed, falling back into the couch.

"Because you're a good dancer," Rafael replied. "It's probably just an excuse for Diggs to breathe the same air as you."

"Are you serious?"

"He was a mess all last night. It was ridiculous."

You rubbed your hand over your face and groaned. "Fine."

"I'll send you the audio," Rafael said. "Thank you."

"Whatever. I don't think I have a choice," you replied.

"You can say no. I'd totally understand."

"Yeah, but then TMZ gets to say that Daveed's estranged girlfriend didn't show up to his album release party and that makes things worst."

"Diggs doesn't deserve you."

"Oh, I know. I'll see you at the party."

You hung up from that call and proceeded to call Jayce. You almost called Angel first to tell him how outrageous Daveed was being but then remembered you deleted his number.

Jayce rang your doorbell at noon. Soccer barked excitedly at the thought of having company. He beat you to the door and scratched at it relentlessly.

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now