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"It's a school night, Ali. My parents aren't going to let me go," I spoke into the phone, as I walked up the stairs towards my bedroom. She had called me up just as I got out of the car, telling me there was a back to school party tonight at this kid, Brody's house.

"Are your parents even home, Sam?" She challenged, making me bit my bottom lip. She was right my parents weren't home nor would they be until late tonight.

"No, but either way what will I say when I walk through the door at 1am?" I questioned as I opened the door to my room, walking in.

"Just tell them you're staying the night at my place," She answered simply.

"Why do you want me to go so bad?" I whined, throwing myself out onto my bed.

"Because, I want to show off my hot new Californian friend," She giggled into the phone causing me to laugh as well. Even though it was merely my first day at this school, let alone country, we had already become good friends. Same for Jenna.

I sighed, long and dramatically before giving in, "Fine."

I didn't have to see Ali to know she had a massive grin attached to her face, "Good, I'll pick you up at 8. Text me your address," she instructed. I nodded before quickly realizing she couldn't see me.

So instead, I settled with saying a simple yet affective, "Sounds good," Before hanging up.

I quickly texted my mom; letting her know I was staying over at a friend's house before tossing my phone onto my bed. I decided to do my homework so that it was out of the way. After finishing that, I raided my fridge and watched a bit of Tv.

I was engrossed in the rerun of Teen Wolf, practically drooling over the actor who played Derek. I mean, what can I say? I like bad boys. My eyes landed on the clock that hung over the flat screen tv and my eyes widened when I realized it was already 7.

I shut the TV off, before sprinting up the stairs towards my room. I quickly showered before curling my hair slightly and putting this on. I settled with just putting on some mascara, not really being one for liking makeup. Ali had text me after I sent her my address, telling me to wear something 'hot' yet not to go over the top. Finally, when I was done with everything, I went down stairs and sat on the sofa in the front room
Just as soon as my bum came in contact with the cushion, I heard a honk from outside. I groaned, getting back up once again and making my way out of the house, locking it once I did so.

It was still weird seeing what side not just Ali, but everyone else, drove on. Not only did they drive on the opposite side of the car, but the road as well. I guess it was just something I'd have to get used to.

"You Californians really do know how to dress!" She teased, winking my direction as I got in the car. I laughed, shaking my head.

"Have anymore California references you'd like to make?" I asked, smiling over at her sweetly.

She just laughed shaking her head, "None that need to be made right now."


Its been about an hour, maybe two I can't really remember, since we entered the party. Better yet, since Ali left me to go fool around with Brody, who I later recognized to be in 2 of my six classes. It wasn't too bad though, I had run into Jenna along the way. I'm not going to lie, we were drunk. Pretty damn drunk.  We were swinging our bodies around to the music, laughing, having a blast.

I was glad Ali had talked me into coming because this was probably one of the more fun nights I've had since moving here. A great start if you ask me.

"I'm going go get a drink, want one?" Jenna shouted in my ear, over the music. I grinned nodding my head. She laughed, before turning on her heel and heading to the kitchen which was known as the bar for the night. Brody's family was pretty well off as well, being one of the popular, it didn't surprise me. But his family owned a couple pubs so they were loaded with drinks. Anything from beer to wine to scotch and whiskey even.

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