can't lose you

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~Samantha's POV~

I woke up, still in my clothes from yesterday. I sat up on my bed, stretching my arms above my head. Relishing the sweet feeling of my tense, sore muscle relaxing. I wasn't entirely sure about last nights occurrences after the fight Harry and I had displayed on Ed's front porch. But I did remember Harry carrying me up the stairs and tucking me into bed. His voice soft and soothingly as he bid me goodnight, kissing my forehead.

He made it difficult to stay mad at him. With one kiss the whole reasoning behind a fight seemed to wither away.

He had the charm and good looks that could make any girls knees weak. And he knew that.

Despite the kind memories of Harry, I had last night before I drifted into a restful slumber, when I got off my bed and made my way to my bathroom I was reminded of the not so pleasant memories as well. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I could still see my tear stained cheeks and red rimmed eyes, reminding me of the tears I cried.

I don't know exactly what made me cry to be honest. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't trust me, or how he yelled at me. He knew how much I despised being yelled at and with Harry's temper, even though I know he'd never lay a hand on me, I couldn't help but be afraid he'd snap. There were so many reasons as to why I could have cried. Even if you think some of my reasoning is childish, to me they aren't. I'm a sensitive person that takes alot of things to heart.

I sighed running a hand through my hair. I took one last glance in the mirror before stripping yesterday's clothing and stepping into the hot, relaxing shower. I'm not sure how long I stayed in there, just standing under the running water thinking about everything. How much everything's changed in the two weeks I've been here. The hot water seemed to soothe my aching body as well as clear my head a bit.

I watched as the water ran down the drain on the shower floor as I thought about anything and everything.

I was washing my troubles away.

Once I got out of the shower, reminding myself I had school and couldn't stay in there all day, I made my way out of my bathroom and back into my room where I changed into this. As I was tying my black converse, my phone buzzed. I reached over, picking up my white IPhone and gliding my fingers across the screen to see a text from Niall:

To: Sammy :3

Everything okay with you and Harry? Heard about the fight, well more like saw it. btw wanna go for lunch off campus l8r?

I smiled seeing the text, knowing I could count on Niall to check in on me. I will admit I was embarrassed that he and who knows how many others, saw mine and Harry's argument. But nonetheless, he cared.

From: Sammy :3

I'm not sure, haven't talked to him yet. I don't even want to know how many ppl saw us XP Anyway, lunch sounds great! Nandos? ;D

It only took seconds before my phone buzzed with Niall's reply:

To: Sammy :3

Where else would we go? ahah hope everything works out 4 u 2. Cya at school babe!

I smiled shaking my head at his reply before quickly typing him a goodbye and stuffing my phone in my bag, getting off the bed. I took one last look in my full length mirror that was hanging on my wall, smiling at my reflection before walking out of my room.

I was making my way towards the kitchen humming about, when I heard talking coming from the kitchen area. Of course I knew my parents were both home, making me eager to see them both, but I heard three voices rather than two. I stood there for a moment, listening in. It wasn't until I heard that unmistakable laugh that I knew who it was. Furrowing my eyebrows, I walked into the kitchen just in time to see Harry and my dad laughing about something while my mom sat at the table with a smile on her face as she shook her head.

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