what's the prize?

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"Harry and Samantha," Mrs. Collins called out, informing for us to present our presentation. The entire class period, I had ignored Harry despite his many effort to catch my attention. Once the bell rang signally lunch was over, I ran back into the school not only because I didn't want to get caught, but because if I stayed there any longer I would have broke down.

Harry of course was late to class, not even bothering to hid the fact that he had just gotten done making out with Ali by his car as he wiped away her lipstick from his face. Eleanor and Louis both had turned around giving me sympathetic looks as he entered the class room. That's when I decided I wanted nothing more to do with him.

Who was he to tell me I couldn't talk to another guy but he could go ahead and make out with Ali, the girl who not only talked shit about him but left me because I thought differently. Hypocrite much?

"Harry, Samantha, you guys ready?" Mrs. Collins repeated looking back at us. I nodded my head, getting up from my seat and making my way down to her desk. I could feel Harry's eyes on my ass as he followed behind me, infuriating me even more.

"Um, Harry and I had lust," I announced looking out at the class, who started snickering at the two of us. I rolled my eyes at their childness, looking up at Eleanor and Louis who gave me reassuring glances.

I took a deep breath before continuing, "Lust is an overwhelming desire or craving. The often context lust is used in is for Sexual desire," I informed, feeling Harry's eyes on me.

"Lust in one of the seven deadly sins, although I don't see why. I've been in lust before, quite often actually, and I have yet to die. In fact, it usually results in pleasure," Harry spoke, stepping forward. My eyes widened at his words as well as Mrs. Collins as he said this. The class however was laughing loudly, the girls sending him flirtatious looks, making me want to gag.

"Yeah we all know about your man whore ways, Harry," I muttered, my heart beating faster once I realized I had said it out loud. Some boys in the back of the room where hooting and hollering while Harry just glared at me from the corner of his eye. Mrs. Collins, however, didn't speak a word. She didn't scold me in fact she had this slight smile on her face she was trying to suppress.

"Any questions?" I asked, looking towards the class wanting to be done and over with this. I watched as this boy known as Jake, raised his hand.

"Yes?" I called on him

He looked to his buddies before looking towards Harry and I with a grin on his face, "Have you ever lusted over a boy? Harry specifically?" He asked, My cheeks flushed at his words making him grin, leaning back in his seat, gaining high-fives from his friends, "I'll take that as a yes," He muttered, looking at me with an amused face before lowering his right eye into a wink.

I cleared my throat, hoping the blush in my cheeks would die down as I spoke up again, "Um, any more questions?"

Three hands shot in the air and before I could call on anyone, Mrs. Collins spoke up, "If any of these questions are about Harry and Samantha or Inappropriate, you will be sent to the office," She warned, watching intently as all three hands slowly made their way down.

"Okay I guess that's it then," Harry mumbled, getting ready to make his way towards our desk when Mrs. Collins spoke up.

"I have a question, Mr. Styles," She informed, making Harry roll his eyes making his way beside me once more.

"What separates Lust from Love?" She asked, looking at the two of us. Harry remained silent, obviously not knowing the difference, that was typical. So instead I spoke up;

"Love is a great understanding between to people; without any explanation as of why you care about them, do anything for them & without question you go to great lengths to make them happy. You put them first. it doesn't have to be said or explained, when you feel it you know it," I informed, biting my lower lip while sneaking a look at Harry before continuing, "Lust is the desire or need of one another, it is almost always mistaken for love because not everyone feels it straight away, when someone lusts over you, they don't genuinely care about you," I finished, clearing my voice as if clearing the thoughts roaming through my mind right now.

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