don't hurt him

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I rolled my eyes at her, offering an innocent smile in reply.

"Let me guess, you spent the night at your place since your parents are gone?" She inquired, raising an eyebrow towards me.

I smiled sheepishly before shaking my head, "No, we stayed at his place," I corrected causing both their eyes to widen.

"Harry let you stay the night at his house?" Perrie spoke in a hushed whisper her blue eyes wide and alert.

"Yes..?" I furrowed my eyebrows not knowing what the big deal was.

"Well what did you guys do?!" Eleanor pressed, waving her arms to show her interest in the topic. I blushed as we gathered the attention of a few people walking by.

"I don't believe we were talking to any of you, carry on!" Eleanor scolded, shooing the kids. Perrie and I couldn't help but laugh as the kids picked up their pace, scurrying away.

"That wasn't necessary, El," I laughed, shaking my head slightly.

Eleanor waved her hand, brushing off my comment, "Now tell us. What did the two of you do yesterday?" She repeated the same question from earlier, waggling her eyebrows at me.

"Nothing, we just talked," I half lied, while biting my lower lip.

"I call bullshit! Now tell us the truth," Perrie countered, making me raise my eyebrows slightly, amused.

"No seriously, we just talked. He told me about-" I paused not really knowing how to word it before finally just picking one, "Everything."

"He did not," Eleanor protested and I nodded.

"I asked him who the girl in his photo was. I didn't expect him to tell me everything like he did!" I defended.

Perrie and Eleanor just stood there shocked.

"So he told you about his sister?" Perrie asked to clarify. I nodded my head.

"His family?" Eleanor tried and I once again nodded.

"Wow," Both girls breathed.

I giggled at bit at their dramatics, "Why's it so surprising? Wait let me guess, It's because I'm 'the first girl he's ever told about this besides you guys', " I air quoted what everyone in the group had practically been telling me.

They meekly nodded their heads, making me roll my eyes playfully. I turned to walk back over towards Harry and them when Perrie called my name out,

"Sam!" She exclaimed, causing me to turn on my heel and face them once again.

"Yeah?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Don't hurt him okay?" She said, speaking lowly.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her words, "Why would I hurt him?" I asked, confused.

Eleanor sighed, taking a step towards me, "We know you wouldn't intentionally, but just try not to hurt him please. He's finally let someone in and we don't want him to regret doing so, okay?" She explained looking at me with her brown eyes.

I just smiled softly nodding my head, "I promise,"


It was now lunch time and I was making my way towards the cafeteria to meet up with the others. Harry had offered to wake for me, well more like insisted, but I had to stay behind to ask Mr. Cartes some questions about the homework, telling him to just go ahead and that I'd meet him.

Math was an awkward class to say the least. It was the first time I'd seen Ali since she left the classroom, crying because of what I'd said. She was silent the entire class period, not that I minded because it was better than her tormenting me about her kissing Harry or mine and his relationship. Of course I felt bad for making her cry, but she had done the same just last week.

Two wrongs don't make a right, Sam.

I know, I know. But I can't help but believe she deserved it.

I hummed quietly to myself as I walked down the hallway, after putting my books away in my locker, leaving me empty handed. I bit my lip as I noticed Ali walking my way after talking to Jenna, who gave me an evil look. Great.

"Sam," Ali called out as she neared me, making me take a deep breath preparing myself for this lovely discussion.

"Do you need something?" I asked as we stood in the middle of the empty hallway, all the students either off campus or in the cafeteria.

I watched as her blue eyes shifted around the empty hallway nervously before opening her mouth, "I wanted to apologize for the way I acted, the things I said. It was wrong of me and I see that now," She apologized, fiddling with her hands nervously as she looked at me.

I gave her a soft smile, "Thanks for the apology, Ali,"

She nodded her head, "I'm also sorry for treating you the way we did. You have a right to be friends with whoever you want and I just hope that maybe you can give me a second chance to be one of those friends. I know I don't deserve it but-" She started rambling on when I stopped her.

"I accept your apology, Ali. I just don't know if I can be friends with you right now. I'm sorry," I informed, looking at her with apologetic eyes.

She apologized, I'll give her credit for that. But that doesn't fix what she did. How she made me feel.

Ali nodded her head slowly, "I understand. Thanks for accepting my apology, Sam. I really am sorry," She said, offering me a genuine smile.

I nodded my head shortly, giving her a small smile before turning to continue my walk to the cafeteria doors that were 10ft in front of us.

"Hey Sam!" She called out again, making me roll my eyes before turning on my heel to face her again. Her icy blue eyes meeting my chocolate brown ones, "You were right," she spoke, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"Right about what?"

"Everything. The jealously. The boys. I've liked him since year 6 but he never liked me back so when you came in and swept him off his feet, I was jealous. But seeing the way he acts around you, I've never seen him act that way before. You guys are really good together," She explained, smiling at me.

I felt the corner of my lips turn upward into a genuine smile at her words, "Thanks."

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