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Once I arrived at school after enjoying a lovely walk (note the sarcasm) I went to my locker gathering my materials and walked into my maths class biting my lower lip when I saw Ali sitting at our desk.

Was I meant to sit next to her still? Or did us not being friends mean I had to find a new seat? You see, this was the first time I'd seen Ali since yesterday when she and Jenna told me we couldn't be friends anymore.

It seemed weird to me that in just the 4 days I've gone to this school I've already managed to not only get claimed by the 'dangerous' bad boy Harry, but kiss him as well. And for those exact reasons, I had lost two friendships. Possibly three, considering Harry most likely didn't want anything to do with me anymore.

Speaking of Harry, I noticed he wasn't in his desk that was right behind where I sat next to Ali. But then again, when did he show up on time? He was usually late, but for some reason I wanted him to be here right now. I guess It's because I wanted to apologize to him and thank him for looking out for me.

I guess I was staring at Ali while I was off in my own world because she titled her head to the side, looking at me weirdly. I gave her a small smile in which she didn't return. I'm not going to lie, it hurt knowing she wants nothing to do with me, but what can I do?

I took a deep breath, looking around the room for an open desk. The bell sounded and I began to feel nervous watching as students filled in taking up the empty seats leaving none available except my old one and Harry's. Since when did everyone show up to class?

"Ms. Brooks, are you going to take your seat now or just stand there the rest of the day?" Mr. Cartes asked, his voice completely monotone as he spoke. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

I cleared my throat, feeling my ears burn as everyone's eyes laid on me, "I- Um, yeah," I stumbled to get the words out, before rushing to my seat beside Ali.

Mr. Cartes just shook his head, standing up from his desk and walking towards the middle of the room, in front of us, "You have five minutes to finish the homework I know half of you didn't do, while I write down the warm up," He announced, turning his back to us and starting to write down some problem for today. Kids immediately took out there unfinished homework and set to work.

I, on the other hand, just sat there awkwardly beside Ali who did just the same. I opened my mouth to say something but thought against it.
She must have seen this because she sighed, opening her mouth instead, "Look, Sam-" She started but I shook my head.

"You don't have to explain yourself," I protested, not wanting to hear how Harry's bad for me and she was just looking out for me. It was bullshit...I think.

"It's not that I don't like you, Sam. Because I really do, you're a sweet girl and everything I just don't want you to get hurt," She went on anyway, saying exactly what I was expecting yet didn't want to hear.

"I won't," I replied, blankly.

"I don't see why you're being so one sided to all this!" She breathed, frustrated.

My eyes widened at her accusation, "Me?" I returned, shocked, "How am I being one sided? I was on your side once, before I figured out I couldn't just judge someone off of what others tell me. Not when the person themselves proves differently!" I whisper shouted not wanting to get caught by Mr. Cartes.

Ali laughed, "I don't think kissing proves anything," She commented, her eyes holding amusement but also something else.

"You're jealous," I Whispered when I finally saw it, "You and Jenna are jealous!" I exclaimed, quietly enough so that just the two of us heard.
Or maybe a few other kids due to their curious eyes wandering our direction. But I could care less, this explained everything.

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