with you

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"Take care of her Harry!" Eleanor ordered after giving me a hug. Class was over and we were all currently at my locker getting my books out before I took off with Harry. I had to admit I was a wee bit nervous about all this..

Harry rolled his eyes at her comment, waiting with my books in his hand as I closed my locker door, "Whatever El, go screw Lou or something," He muttered, chuckling at bit as Louis laughed, high-fiving him. Not without receiving a smack on the shoulder from Eleanor who scoffed.

"Yeah El, why don't we?" Louis mumbled, breaking into laughs as Eleanor hit him again, "I'm just kidding, darling," He assured, wrapping his arms around her.

She sighed leaning her head on his chest, "What am I going to do with you?" she asked, probably more so to herself than anyone else, but that didn't stop Louis from replying;

"Love me, care for me," he answered, making me coo in my head.

Atleast, I thought it was in my head before everyone looked at me with amused faces. I blushed, hanging my head.

"Okay, well have fun guys!" Eleanor chirped, hugging me once again before starting to walk away with Louis only to turn her head to the side looking at us again, "Behave yourself Harry," She warned, giggling when Harry rolled his eyes flipping her off.

"Whatever, Calder," He muttered in reply, taking my hand and guiding me out of the school and towards his black range rover. I guess spending my Friday with Harry couldn't be too bad, right?

"You know I can carry my books right?" I asked as we neared his car, him shuffling the books in his arms so that he could reach in his pocket and retrieve his keys, unlocking the car.

"Just because you can doesn't me you will," He announced opening the back door, setting my books on the seat before climbing into the front seat. I sighed, opening the passenger door and climbing in myself.

"How long have you been friends with them?" I asked, wanting to break the silence that took over as he revved up the engine, backing out of the parking spot and driving away from the school.

"I've known the boys since I was 12 so 6 years," He informed, counting in his head to verify, "And Louis started dating Eleanor two years ago and Perrie and Zayn started dating last year," he added.

I nodded my head taking it in, "Can I ask you something?" I asked, looking over at him as he drove. My eyes traveled up and down his face as he drove, looking at his green eyes that were focused on the road to the small freckle in under his bottom lip then settling on his chiseled jaw before his pink plump lips that curved upward before turning towards me.

There was no doubt he was attractive, extremely attractive at that. It was no wonder that girls threw themselves at him.

Harry looked over at me with raised eyebrows, "Haven't you been?" He shot back, smirking at me as I blushed.

"Well yeah, but-"

"Go ahead," he replied, turning his attention back towards the road as he drove. Past the speed limit might I add.

Finally, I opened my mouth getting the one of many questions I was dying to know the answer to;

"Why did you choose me? I mean you could have any girl at school, like Mckenna or Ashely-" I started to ask, naming off some of the really popular girls that practically through themselves at Harry everyday, before getting cut off by him.

"I don't want any other girl," He but in, not taking his eyes off the road.

"But why?" I pressed, wanting to know his infatuation with me.

He groaned, throwing his head back slightly, "Do you ever stop asking questions?" He grumbled, obviously annoyed with my firing questions.

I frowned, turning to look out the window. I didn't say anything as I just looked out at the passing buildings. I heard Harry sigh beside me before opening his mouth;

"Samantha," He started but I stopped him.

"No you're right. I shouldn't ask questions about your sex life, I barely know you," I murmured, looking forward once again. I could feel Harry's eyes on me as the car came to a halt at a red light.

"It's not that-" He began

"It's fine," I cut in again. I could see Harry's grip on the steering wheel tighten in frustration from the corner of my eye.

"God you're so fucking impossible!" He hissed, obviously not happy.

I frowned hearing his harsh tone, "Then just drop me off at my house," I countered, my voice shaking a bit. I hated being yelled at.

He turned, looking at me hearing the crack in my voice,  "Look Samantha," He spoke, getting ready to apologize, but stopping. He was Harry Styles, he wasn't about to apologize to someone especially me.

"Take me home, Harry," I repeated, taking deep breaths so my frustrated tears wouldn't fall.

He sighed, looking from the road to me again, "Is that what you want?" He asked, his voice small, defeated. The light had turned green yet we remained where we were. The cars behind us honking for Harry to move, but we didn't.

"Harry, the light's green," I informed, slightly embarrassed as cars maneuvered around us, glaring into the car.

"Answer the question, Samantha! Do you want to go home?" He growled, forgetting about what I said and allowing the cars to shoot him looks and flip him off as they drove off. His tone was hard and demanding making me shrink back slightly.

"If you're going to act like this, yes!" I answered, raising my voice slightly.

"Like what?" He hissed, his face hard and frighting.

"A prick! You're acting like a prick again! You get pissed off over the smallest of things and I don't feel like getting yelled at more today, okay?" I answered, my voice louder almost as though I was confident however inside I was afraid he would snap.

However, Harry didn't yell. Instead, he closed his eyes taking deep breaths. Whether he was trying to calm down from lashing out on me or the honking drivers, was beyond me.

"If you want to go home, then I'll take you. But I'm not going to apologize for something I can't help. I don't mean to yell at you or lose my temper but I can't help it. You just know how to crawl under my skin and I can't stop it. You're so incredibly infuriating at times, Samantha," He spoke up, explaining everything to me.

I just sat there in complete silence taking it in. Maybe he was right. Maybe I press him too much.

Then why bother with me?  I thought. If I'm so infuriating them why did he always stick around?

"Because despite the fact that you annoy the hell out of me at times, you're also the only one that can calm me down. There's something about you, I don't know what but whenever you're around I just feel like a different person. Whether that's a good thing or not, I don't know," he said, chuckling at bit at the end. My eyes were wide, I said that out loud?

I really needed to stop doing that..

Something about Harry's words set me off. They way he told me I angered him, yet calmed him confused me. What does that even mean? I looked over to Harry who just sat there in his seat. The light now red from waiting. I'm sure all those drivers were beyond pissed. How did we not get a ticket?

But I just looked at him, studying his features as he looked out the window as if thinking. His face was calm looking, his jaw and lips relaxed, eyes calm. It was incredible how quickly that could all change. How quickly he could go from being calm to angry. But that was just a part of him I had to get used to, I suppose. It was part of who he was and I had to learn to accept that somehow.

Looking at him, I made up my made. Just looking at him made me answer multiple questions that I had roaming my mind. One in particular;

"I want to stay," I mumbled, watching as he turned to face me with confusion on his face.

"What?" He asked, confused as to what I was talking about. I took a deep breath before opening my mouth once again;

"I want to stay," I repeated, "With you."

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