take me home

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I felt Harry smirk against my neck before releasing it and looking up at me, "You don't honestly think they give a shit, do you?" He chuckled, amused while raising an eyebrow. I looked around the room to see that not anyone would really notice due to being so eloped in what they were doing. Whether that was drinking, talking, dancing, or practically having sex on the sofa. No one seemed to even notice what was happening between Harry and I over here in the corner.

They didn't notice how he continued to suck my neck, definitely leaving love bites as I studied all of them. But that didn't stop me from blushing as my mouth released a moan as he nipped at my soft spot.

"Harry!" I hissed, this time pushing his shoulders back so his body would move with it.

"What?" He mocked, his lips curving upward as he leaned into me, "No one cares, Samantha," he assured, his lips brushing against mine. I had to restrain myself from pressing my lips to his feverishly, but I had managed, turning my head to the side so his lips catch my cheek instead of their original target.

Harry sighed, placing his hands on either side of my head on the wall, hanging his head.

"Why won't you let me kiss you?" He whined, lifting his head to look at me.

"Because kissing you leads to other things. In fact, kissing you is what got me pressed up against a wall in the middle of a room full of people," I informed, smiling a bit as Harry chuckled.

"You can't tell me you didn't enjoy it," He teased, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes, giggling, "Whether or not I did, it still doesn't stop the fact that I don't feel comfortable being so intimate with you around people I don't know," I went on, my voice lowering so I wouldn't draw attention towards us.

Harry just grinned shaking his curls that were tousled up into a quiff, his green eyes locking on mine, "After everything we've done together you still insist on being the innocent one?" He joked, his eyes sparking with humor making me pout.

"I am innocent," I protested, crossing my arms over my chest

Harry laughed loudly, throwing his head back while catching the glances of a few people around us. I couldn't help but giggle as he did so, his laugh being adorable.

When he was done laughing look at me with complete amusement as he leaned towards me, his lips grazing my ear as he whispered the words that made my face catch on fire, "After last night, I'm not too sure you can call yourself innocent anymore," he whispered lowly, his voice causing me to shiver.

My jaw dropped, my face as red as a tomato as I hit him on the shoulder, "Harry!" I scolded.

He just laughed shaking his head, he opened his mouth to say something just as someone called his name, "Harry, mate! I want you to meet someone!" Nick's voice shouted over the music and chattering. Harry turned his head to look over at his friend, I had met earlier this evening.

Nick waved Harry over eagerly causing me to laugh, Harry just to face me a large grin on his face from his friend's behavior, "Will you be alright on your own for a moment?" He asked, his face masking seriousness.

I rolled my eyes nodding my head, "I'm a big girl, Harry. I can take care of myself," I assured.

Harry rose an eyebrow at this, "Really? Because previous encounters suggest otherwise," He countered, making me pout at him while shooing him away.

"You're an ass," I murmured, waving him off.

He chuckled at this, "I know," He replied, pulling me in for a quick kiss before walking over to his impatient friend, that waved at me  Harry made his way over to him. I shook my head giggling a bit as Harry hit Nick on the back of the head as he winked at me. I just stood there for awhile drinking some beer while waiting for Harry to return and when he didn't I decided to venture off and maybe find Niall or one of the others. I walked over to the front room that was just as filled with people as the back room or the kitchen were. I made my way over to the hallway, looking at some of the pictures on the wall.

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