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I took a deep breath, opening the classroom door. I was at least 15 minutes late to English thanks to Alex and Harry. I spent the last five minutes in the bathroom, trying to cover the hickey Harry had so kindly gave me, with foundation. As soon as I stepped into the room, all eyes were on me, making my cheeks go bright red.

"Can I help you?" The teacher, Mrs. Collins as it said on my schedule, asked, looking over at me.

"I'm Samantha-" I started only for her to cut me off.

"Brooks, right?" She asked, I nodded my head slowly knowing I was about to get into trouble for being late on my first day. But what surprised me was what she said next, "Lovely to meet you, Samantha. Did you get lost finding your way here?" She asked smiling. I could already tell I would like this teacher.

I nodded my head, "Yes, sorry for being late," I lied. She was the one that brought it up..

"It's alright deary, just don't go making a habit of it," She shook it off, smiling at me warmly, "Go on, take a seat darling, we've only just begun," She informed gesturing to the desks that were filled with students. I noticed one seat in the back while another was right up front. I scrunched my nose at the idea of being at the front of the classroom and quickly made my way to the empty seat in the back.

As I made my way to the open desk, that I was meant to share with whoever the boy siting there was, I noticed Louis' girlfriend, Eleanor was it? She was seated right in-front of my desk, Louis beside her. They both smiled at me, as I passed them. I smiled back, placing my books down on the desk before taking my seat.

"Alright, now that everyone is here-" Mrs. Collins began when the classroom door opened and in walked Harry. The first thing that ran through my mind was why in god's name did I have to have a class with him? Especially after he just assaulted my neck, and claimed me to be his. Secondly, did this boy ever show up on time?

"Hope you don't plan on making this a habit, Mr. Styles," Mrs. Collins warned, tutting Harry entered the classroom.

He rolled his eyes before opening his mouth and speaking, "Wouldn't get your hopes up, Melissa," He informed, making my jaw drop. Back in America, if I were to have spoken to my teacher like that I would have gotten a detention at least.

Mrs. Collins just shook her head, "Just take a seat, Harry. I don't feel like handing out detentions on the first day," She instructed, making me look at her in disbelief.

Harry looked around the room for a seat. I mentally thanked god for making the only available seat at the front of the classroom, no where near me. But then his piercing green eyes settled on me, his lips twitching upward into a sly smirk before he made his way over to me. My heart started racing as he got closer. Perhaps he was going to say hi to Eleanor and Louis?

I quickly looked down at my notebook I had out, spinning my pen in-between my fingers not wanting to drag his attention onto me anymore. I began writing down notes as Mrs. Collins started to speak when I felt someone standing in-front of my desk.

"Get up," Harry demanded the poor boy sitting beside me. I looked over at him, hoping he would have a backbone and not move. Or that Mrs. Collins would notice what was going on and tell Harry to sit in the spare seat at the front of the class.

But of course Mrs. Collins was facing the board when this was happening and the boy beside me shuffled out of the seat, not having to be told twice. I watched as the boy made his way to the front of the class sitting in the empty seat that was meant for Harry. Meanwhile, Harry took the seat beside me, scooting his chair closer to mine so that my bare legs were brushing up against his jean clad ones.

When I went to move my chair over more, I was met by the table leg. Great.

"You covered that up pretty well," Harry's deep voice spoke in my ear, causing me to shiver as his breath hit the skin on my neck, "Maybe I should give you another one," he whispered, pressing his lips to right below my ear,making me push him away in return.

"How about not," I returned, picking up my pen and continuing to write down what Mrs. Collins was talking about. I heard Harry chuckle in reply before turning and facing the board as well. I sighed relieved, when he picked up his own pen and began writing. The skin where he kissed me, still tingling. As I was writing down some notes about novels, Romance and what not, I felt a large hand place itself on my thigh.

I tried to ignore it, hoping he get the hint that I didn't want to be bothered. But he had another idea in mind..

His large, warm hand, slowly slide up my thigh, taking my skirt with it. My writing halted and my heart began to race as he drove his hand further up my thigh. I felt my cheeks heating up as I turned to glare at Harry.

"Will you quit it!" I hissed, swatting his hand from my leg.

Harry just laughed, causing a few people to turn around and look at us, including Mrs. Collins.

She raised her eyebrows at the two of us, "Is there a problem?" She asked

I shook my head while Harry replied, "None that you should be concerned about," He muttered, leaning back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. My eyes widened, hearing him talk to her like that.

"What was that, Harry?" she asked again, giving him a chance to change his reply. By now, everyone's eyes were on us, including Louis and Eleanor.

"I said, it isn't any of your business, Melissa," He shot back, making my jaw drop.

"Do you want a detention?" Mrs. Collins warned, her eyes narrowing on him.

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

"Harry, quit it!" I whisper shouted. Harry just looked at me amused before facing Mrs. Collins who was livid.

Harry just shrugged me off, "Depends, are you going to be there?" He replied looking up at her and winking, making me gasp. I mean, Mrs. Collins wasn't old nor was she bad looking. She looked to be in her early thirties but still!

Everyone in class laughed while Mrs. Collins glared at Harry, "Detention after school! Congratulations on a great start to the school year Harry," She announced, causing everyone to turn back to the board while I just frowned looking over at him as he sat, leaned back in the chair.

It was quick but I noticed the smirk on his face falter when he thought no one was looking. It almost made me feel bad for him, but then I remember it was his own fault.

He must have felt my eyes on him, because he turned his head to face me.

"What?" he growled, catching me odd off guard.

I just shook my head, "Why didn't you just stop?" I asked, my voice quiet not wanting to get in anymore trouble.

Harry rolled his eyes, "Trust me, detention is paradise compared to what I'm used to," he muttered, before placing his white converse on the desk, closing his eyes.

I just stared at him for a moment wondering what he meant by that..

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