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"Thanks for lunch, Niall. It was really great getting to spend time with you," I thanked as we sat in his car in the school parking lot. We had five minutes before the warning bell went off and we were sitting in the car watching mindlessly as students chatted with each other in empty parking spots.

Niall turned to face me, his blue eyes bright as he smiled showing off his perfectly straight teeth, "Don't mention it. We should do it again sometime, yeah?" he replied, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he laughed, "Mess with Harry a bit more," he added making me giggle slightly.

"We definitely should," I agreed, looking over at my Irish friend. It was weird to think about how different things were just weeks ago. I was kinda glad Ali and Jenna turned out to be lying bitches because if they weren't, I would never have met Niall and them. I wouldn't have the best 7 friends anyone could ask for. And most of all, I wouldn't be dating Harry.

So I guess in a way, I should thank them.

So I will, but in my head.

I had multiple thoughts roaming my mind though-out lunch. Some that came up from hearing what Niall had to say while others were just things that were bothering me. For example, I wanted to know how I could fix things between Josh and Harry. I didn't want them to stop being friends because of such a stupid thing. He hadn't hurt me nor did he have intentions to. Sure, maybe if Ed didn't come when he did Josh wouldn't tried to have sex with me, but he was drunk and it wasn't like I'd let him. Then there was what Niall said about me saving Harry just like Harry had done to him.

What the hell did that mean? How was I saving Harry? If anything, it was him saving me constantly.

But most of all, there was one thing on my mind that just wouldn't budge. It'd been on my mind since Harry told me last night.

"Niall," I spoke up breaking the silence that formed around the two of us.

"Yeh?" He asked turning to face me one again.

"That girl last night, Harry's ex, who is she?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. I knew Harry wouldn't tell me, he refused to talk to me about any of his previous girls and I guess he had a good reason to.

Niall looked at me confused, "Cara?"

I shrugged, "I don't know her name," I muttered, defensively.

"You have to be talking about Cara, Harry hasn't dated any other girls, only shagged," He informed, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as the warning bell sounded, telling us to get to class.

I bit my lip thinking, as I climbed out of Niall's car, meeting him at the front.

"I thought Harry didn't date girls," I muttered curiously as we made our way into the school along with all the other students that were hanging around the parking lot.

"He doesn't," Niall confirmed making me confused.

"But if he dated Cara-" I lead on completely lost.

"He dated Cara before the accident, before he changed," He informed earning a small nod from me.

I opened my mouth to ask another question when he beat me to it, "And I know you're going to ask so I'll just tell you. He and Cara dated before the accident and when Gemma passed, Harry broke up with Cara swearing he'd never date another girl. He didn't want to risk hurting them like Scott did to his sister. But not only that, he didn't think he deserved to be loved. His parents drilled it into his head that he was at fault for Gemma's death, that he was the monster. And he believed them and I think a part of him still does," Niall explained, filling me in on everything. Yet there was one thing that was still on my mind.

"If he broke up with Cara because of what happened and not because he didn't not like her anymore, doesn't that mean he still could?" I muttered, my voice low as I thought about it. What if he still liked her?

Niall stopped in his tracks, which so happened to be in the middle of the hallway outside my English class. I stopped as well turning to look at him as he just stared at me blankly.

"Sam, he doesn't like Cara like that anymore," Niall tried to assure me but it wasn't working.

"How do you know?" I challenged, my insecurities not allowing me to believe him. Cara was gorgeous from what I'd seen yesterday and Harry, well Harry is incredibly hot. So why would someone like him, that can have anyone, pick me.

"Because he's told me! He can't even look at a girl anymore without thinking of you, Sam! You're all he thinks about, you're all he wants," He informed, his hands now placed on my shoulders causing me to look him in the eyes. I could tell he was telling the truth just by the look in his eyes. They were a bright blue. Kind and genuine.


"Okay," I breathed, looking at him.

"Alright, we should probably get going," He spoke up causing me to look around the vacant hallway, nodding my head in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll be late," I laughed, shaking my head.

"I'm more worried about Harry kicking my arse thinking I did something you," He joked, the corners of his mouth curving upward into a smile before he wrapped me in his arms. I rolled my eyes at his word but hugged back nonetheless.


"How was lunch?" Harry asked, his warm breath hitting my neck causing my stomach to flip.

"Good," I replied, trying to pay attention to what Mrs. Collins was saying but it was kind of hard with Harry kissing my neck while rubbing my thigh with his large, warm hand.

"Where'd ya go?" He whispered against my neck, causing me to shiver. This of course, didn't go unnoticed by him due to the feeling of his lips curving upwards against my neck.

"Nandos," I answered, keeping my eyes on the white board at the front of the room. Mrs. Collins was writing down some notes that we were meant to be copying but due to my distractions, I'm going to have to get them from Eleanor later.

"Whadya do?" He questioned, dragging his lips along my jawline. It was impressive how no one noticed this going on. Either that or they were too scared to say anything because it was Harry. The 'Dangerous bad boy'.

I rolled my eyes at his question, getting tired of him ramming with them one after another. What he really wants to know is if Niall and I did anything we shouldn't have, aka kissing, sex, etc. He was being over protective once again.

"What do you think we did? We ate," I replied sarcastically, pausing as I turned my head to face him, "Don't worry father, I didn't kiss those gorgeous Irish lips. Not on the first date," I taunted, lowering my right eye into a wink at Harry who just sat there with his jaw dropped as he glared at me.

I was joking and I'm pretty sure he knew that as well. But him being Harry, he took it another way.

I turned my attention back towards the board, yet watched him from the corner of my eye. I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head so I decided to speak up, "You know, it's not polite to stare," I informed smiling to myself.

"You know, you really shouldn't push my buttons Samantha," He warned, yet I could sense some playfulness to the tone of his voice.

I rolled my eyes once again, "Yes, Master," I teased, sending him a quick look before facing the board once again just as Mrs. Collins began drawing a diagram for the plotline of the book we're reading.

I was too busy trying to catch up to the lesson that I hadn't notice Harry's reaction to my reply. Nor did I notice him leaning towards me.

It wasn't until his accented voice spoke in my ear that my cheeks flushed a bright red.

"Master, I like that," He whispered in my ear before nibbling on the bottom of my earlobe a bit causing my breath to catch in my throat.

What do you think's gunna happen between Josh, Sam and Harry?
What about Cara?

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