quick tempered

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"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Harry's voice boomed through the room causing Ryan's head to shoot up while chills rose throughout my body. Yet, I couldn't help but feel thankful as my heart speed up, "Get the fuck off her!" He shouted, taking a step closer towards us.

I squirmed from underneath Ryan my cheeks hot as I tried pulling down my dress that Ryan had still hitched around my waist. Harry clearly got a view of my ass, but that was the least of my worries right now.

"Oh fuck off, Styles. Everyone else might be scared of you but not me," Ryan spoke bravely. So confident that I couldn't tell if he really wasn't afraid of Harry or if he was just trying prove he had balls. Either way, I could only hope for his sake, Harry would let him go like he did Alex.
Harry just stood there, his eyes darkening while his hands formed into fists by his sides.

I would have taken this opportunity to remove myself from underneath Ryan, if it weren't for his death grip on my arm. Harry seemed to notice this, his eyes flickering to my wrist which was imprisoned in Ryan's grip.

He clenched and unclenched his wrists, "I suggest letting go of her before I make you," He growled trying to keep his cool but I could tell hit was hard for him, "And I'm not going to ask twice," He added, through clenched teeth when Ryan didn't loosen his grip.

Ryan scoffed, "I'm just having fun, you can have a go with her once I'm done," he chuckled, turning back towards me with a twisted smirk on his face.

Before he could even do as much as open his mouth to get a word out, his body flew off of mine. I gasped, sitting up on the bed and looking to the floor where Ryan laid on the carpet, Harry on top of him punching him like there was no tomorrow. Tears streamed down my face as Harry's fist collided with Ryan's face again. Ryan tried to throw some punches back, but they didn't even see the light of day as Harry blocked them, punching him instead.

Ali and Jenna's words flickered through my mind as Harry fist repeatedly came into contact with Ryan's face, "He's dangerous" "He's known for getting into fights" "He's extremely strong"

"Harry stop!" I cried out, watching as he beat the living daylights out of him, "Harry!" I screamed, pulling on his shoulder. I had tears rolling down my cheeks scared shitless at the sight before me, "Harry please!" I begged, tugging on his arm.

He looked up, his eyes finding mine. Hid eyes immediately softened as they took in my startled expression. But just as soon as it came, it had vanished. Anger once again taking it's place as he gripped onto my arm harshly, making me cringe in pain.

"Let's go," Harry growled lowly, pulling me towards the door. I didn't have much of a choice considering he was at least twice my size. But even if I did have a choice, I don't think I'd disagree with him after seeing what he just did to Ryan.

I looked back to see him Lying on the floor, blood covering his face. I almost felt bad for him. As Harry went to guide me out of the room, Alex rushed in.

"What the fuck!" He shouted, looking from Ryan's bloody body to me and Harry. I didn't talk, just wiped the tears from my face.

"Calm down, he's not dead just knocked out," Harry informed coolly before tugging me out of the room.

"Oh and by the way, Alex," Harry added, stopping in his tracks causing me to as well. Alex looked up from Ryan's body, a look a pure shock on his face.

"You might want to tell your shitty friends to stay the fuck away from my girl," Harry hissed, glaring at him. I watched as he nodded his head, shock still evident on his face before he turned to look at me. His gaze landing on Harry's grip on my arm and the tear stains on my cheeks.
I don't know if he thought Harry was the one to make me cry or Ryan, and in a way it was both of them, but he looked at me with sympathy. Almost as though he was scared for me.

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