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"Hey um, Sam," Someone spoke as I was pulling out my books for the last period of the day; English. I turned to see Ryan standing there with a black eye and a purple and blue cheek. He had one of those bridges on his nose telling me Harry had broken it.

I took pity in seeing him like this. No matter what he did, I still didn't believe he deserved to get his face rearranged. I could tell, just by looking at it, that he was in pain. I would be too if I were him.

"Yeah?" I asked my voice small as I looked at him. Images of him hovering over me, his hands trying to pull down my underwear then to Harry on top of him, punching him mercilessly, were flickering through my mind.

"I just wanted to apologize about last night. I was drunk, and I know that doesn't validate anything I did, but I want you to know that if I were in my right mind I would have never done any of that to you. You seem like a really nice girl and I don't want you to think that I'm just some prick that tried to get into your pants. I honestly am sorry," He apologized, looking me in the eyes as he did so. I could tell that he meant everything he said by the look in his eyes.

He was nervous too, by the look of his shaking hands. When I didn't say anything he decided to speak up again, "It's okay if you don't forgive me. What I did was completely-"He started.

"You're forgiven," I cut in.

Ryan's eyes grew wide with shock, "Really?" He asked, not believing it.

I giggled a bit nodding my head, "Sure, like you said we were both drunk and weren't really in the right state of mind. Plus I have to take some of the fault, I was leading you on," I explained.

Ryan chuckled lightly at my words, "So we're good?" he asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

I nodded my head, a small smile on my lips, "We're good," I assured my eyes widening as his arms were quickly wrapped around me. And just as soon as they were there, they were gone.

"Thank you so much, Sam. You don't know how bad I felt," He thanked, babbling on.

"It's fine, really. But your face obviously isn't," I said, looking at his injured face, not really thinking about it. But as soon as the words left my lips, my eyes widened and I clasped a hand over my mouth, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" I started to apologize, knowing how rude that sounded.

Ryan just laughed, shaking his head, "It's all good, I probably deserved it. Harry really does have a good punch though," He murmured, almost shuddering at the thought.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, looking at his colorful cheek and casted nose.

He shrugged, "Some times. I'm on painkillers right now, so I can't really feel anything but when I woke up last night it hurt like a bitch," He admitted, making me frown just as the bell rang signaling us that we had 10 minutes to get to 6th period.

"I have to get going. Make sure to put ice on that!" I instructed, shutting my locker and making my way toward my English class.

"Sam," Ryan called out, causing me to stop in my tracks and turn around to face him.

"Yes?" I asked, holding my textbooks in my hands.

"Be careful with him," He cautioned making me arch an eyebrow.

"Who?" I asked ignorant as to who we were discussing, although I knew damn well who we were talking about. It seemed to be all anyone ever talked about now.

"You know who, Sam. He's- He's not a good guy to be around," He returned and for some reason it made my blood boil to hear everyone bad mouth him. He just didn't seem that bad to me.

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