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renesmee is cyclingaround the town,feeling free

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renesmee is cycling
around the town,
feeling free.

the birds are singing
a lovely tune,
as if they want
to wish her
and everybody else
a great day.

the trees are making
shades in the people's
as if a shelter,
a protection
from the storm.

in the park,
renesmee eats
her brioche,
while looking
at mothers
and their children.

not a long time ago,
she and her mother
have been
just like them.

sometimes she misses
those days.
that is what
fast growth
has caused
to her.

throwing away
the paper bag,
she sits again on her bike
and leaves for school,
trying hard to concentrate
on the road.

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now