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renesmee can'tconcentrate at classtoday

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renesmee can't
at class
the thoughts of
are haunting
her mind.

the thoughts oflunchtimeare hauntingher mind

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what does declanhave to tell her?she wondersand pondersuntil the very last bell,signaling the endof the school day

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what does declan
have to tell her?
she wonders
and ponders
until the very last bell,
signaling the end
of the school day.

she can barely
hold her excitement
to reach the bakery.
and when she does,
he's waiting for her

they spend a good
chatting and
taking sips of
their drinks,
snacking on
just like

but renesmee
is still curious
why would
declan get upset
and then invite
her out.

"you don't know
e v e r y t h i n g."
he confesses,
before inviting
her to a walk
after their
afternoon snack.

while they're
walking and talking,
admiring the song
of the birds
and the games
of the children,
unexpectedly . . .

. . .

declan leans in quickly
and kisses renesmee's lips.

at first,she stays frozen,unfamiliar withthis feeling

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at first,
she stays frozen,
unfamiliar with
this feeling.
the butterflies,
usually stuck
in her stomach
seem to have
calmed down.

she's seen people kiss,
but she's never been kissed.
what to do?

"i-i'm sorry,"
he blushes,
looking down
and looking up
at her.

he's not just looking.
he's gazing at her.

renesmee also
the next words
she hears from
declan's mouth
are the nicest
thing she's ever

"i couldn't
help myself.
you are
just so . . .
b e a u t i f u l."

she chuckles.
he continues.

"so  s w e e t,
so b r i g h t."

she has never
heard anyone
tell her such
so loving,
coming out
of the heart.

another feature
she loves about him,
is his  h o n e s t y.

at the end
of the day,
when they
are sitting
on the porch of
the house bella,
edward and renesmee
are going to be moving in,
renesmee kisses declan too,
as if she wants to thank him
for making this first kiss
i n c r e d i b l e.
e x c e p t i o n a l.
u n f o r g e t t a b l e.

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now