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good thingsnever last

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good things
never last.

and renesmee
has learned this
the hard way.

sick of hiding,
sick of lying,
declan has broken
up with her.

renesmee has
thought they have
had it all.
that it would all be
i d y l l i c.

but declan
is not a vampire.
it is not like
the relationships
between her aunts
and uncles
or her mom and dad.

maybe she and him
have not been

at school
they don't talk
and gossip
begins to spread

"what happened
to them?"

"they were goals!"

"i heard
she cheated!"


when renesmee
sees declan
in the hallways,
he is always
so cheerful -
laughing with
his new friends.
he has completely
his old ones.
he doesn't even
show up
in english class

she doesn't know
how he cries
for her
in the shower
every night.

because all she sees
is how happy he is
without her.
and that breaks her.

maybe she should
give jacob
and his child grooming
a chance.
she has
no other choice.

she hasno other choice

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Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now