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the long awaited dayis finally here

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the long awaited day
is finally here.

the graduation ceremony.

the seniors spend
their morning
trying on
their clothes,
last minute
and preparing
if they have.

the whole morning,
before the ceremony,
renesmee fiddles
around with her pretty dress.
unlike many of her peers,
she has settled on
a darker attire,
she thinks it is
more stylish,
somehow classier.

unlike many of her peers,she has settled ona darker attire,she thinks it ismore stylish,somehow classier

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at first, the ceremony
is nothing too special.
the students

receive their diplomes

and it's time for the
shayla is the announcer.

after the speech

of the valedictorian,
shayla steps in front
again and announces:
"and now it's time
for our second speech.
it has been prepared
with lots of love and care
from declan cartwright!"
the crowd applauses,
as declan steps in front
of a microphone,
sets it quickly and begins
his long awaited speech.

the crowd listens to
his stories about how
he has met his friends
and the beautiful renesmee.
how if he hasn't gone
to that school,
nothing would have been the same.
he is thankful to his family,
his friends
and of course renesmee.
he is careful
not to mention
any names.
if he slips up,
the secret will be
r e v e a l e d .
and that's not
what he wants.
y e t .

it's a little sentence
that surprises everyone,

"but i don't want her
to be just my girlfriend."

gasps are heard
from the crowd.

bella smiles in edward's ear,
whispering how cute
it will be
if declan proposes
to his girlfriend
in front of everybody.

little do they know
that his girlfriend
is their daughter.

that is when declan
finally turns to his only one.
and with love and lust in his eyes,
he gets on one knee,
holding the ring
he has been saving for so long.

"renesmee cullen,
m a r r y   m e."

bella, edward
and jacob's jaws drop.
the rest of the cullens
are speechless.
it feels like the times
when they've been
of bella and edward's
budding romance.

how is it possible?

all the girls around
renesmee are just
as excited, as she is.
tears from joy
stream down her face,
as she says yes.

if the cullens have had
beating hearts, they would
have had stroke right there
and right now.
their renesmee
is getting married.
straight after high school.
and she is not marrying jacob.
she has fallen in love
with a human.

a story bound
to repeat itself.

or not?

the whole crowd
and the students
are cheering,
as declan and renesmee
have just shared
their first kiss
as an engaged couple.

the ceremony
with natasha bedingfield's
song "unwritten",
which the whole
class sings and dances
to it, celebrating
their pride and joy.

but after it,
it is the most
dramatic moment
e v e r .

the cullens
pull renesmee
to themselves.

"what was that?"

"what the heck?"

" what do you think
you're doing?"

she shrugs, smiling.
she is too happy
to let them get to her.
she is grown-up.
nothing can tell
her what to do
a n y m o r e .

and when jacob
demands for an
for her immoral
cheating, she flatly

"i hate you, jacob."

"i've neverl o v e dyou

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"i've never
l o v e d

a limp forms
in jacob's
with what has he
deserved this?
hasn't he been
good enough
for her?
hasn't the imprint
been enough?

with what has hedeserved this?hasn't he beengood enoughfor her?hasn't the imprintbeen enough?

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he doesn't know
that this is
n o t
what she wants
from life.
she wants
n o r m a l i t y.
she is happy
with someone else

and that is what
hurts him the most.

tears from devastation
threaten to fall
from jacob's eyes.
but before they can,
he runs away
in the woods,
perhaps to la push,
his home,
so he can tell his friends
and his dad
about his broken heart.

a heart,
broken by
a m a t i v e    g i r l s .


Sequel available in YouTube (profile: @keepfaithbaby)

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