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the classroomis halfwayfull

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the classroom
is halfway
students have
sat in their places,
chit-chatting and
sharing memories.

renesmee is
slightly nervous.
she already knows
the blonde cheerleader
from the hallway.

but when she
steps in the classroom,
her heart skips a beat.

what if they
don't like her?

screw it.
she should
just be herself.
minus the supernatural part.

just be the funny
and energetic
she's grown up to be.

"ah, welcome!"
the teacher greets.
a woman in her 40s,
with brown hair
and glasses.

renesmee smiles
and sits in the seat
she has been assigned to.

the students have sat
in tables
by four.

next to renesmee
is sitting a boy.
brown hair and eyes -
just like hers.

he raises his head
and smiles at her politely.
"hi, i'm declan."

she smiles back.
"i'm renesmee."

he chuckles.

did he just
her name?

"thanks for
the nickname."
she winks.

"remi" is a nice
pet name.
better than

who calls
their child
the loch ness monster?

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now