Twilight Fan Fiction Awards Fall 2017 Winner!
about a girl
who loved him
but was forced
to pretend
to feel the same
for somebody else
as well.
❝I really like this story, even though I like the Jacob and Rene...
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time flies.
time flies, doesn't it?
a whole year has passed since renesmee and declan have started d a t i n g.
on their first anniversary, renesmee has decided that she really wants to be finally and truly h e r s e l f.
but who is she? is she bella and edward's child? rosalie, emmett, alice and jasper's niece? carlisle, esme, renee and charlie's grandchild? declan's girlfriend? jacob's imprint?
declan deserves to know the truth. even if it hurts him. she hopes that he will support her in her views of jacob's imprinting.
so after school, renesmee takes declan to the park nearby, prepared to tell him e v e r y t h i n g.
"do you remember what you told me, before you kissed me for the very first time?"
she asks. he shakes his head no. humans tend to forget these little details, but renesmee forgives him.
"you said that i didn't know e v e r y t h i n g." declan is just looking at her. what does she mean? he knows that she is about to tell him something important.
but what is it?
his heart races. his cheek redden. what if she is about to break up with him? or what if she has cheated on him? he wouldn't forgive anybody if she has cuckolded him. but she would never cuckold the one she loves truly. she is not a bastard, like jacob f**king black.
renesmee takes a deep breath and holds out her hand for declan to take it, ready to show him e v e r y t h i n g.
and she does. all by all, every memory, every truth.
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