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near the endof the school year,renesmee hasan oral report to presentfor biology class

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near the end
of the school year,
renesmee has
an oral report to present
for biology class.
she has decided
to do something
rather untraditional.
hopefully, her classmates
will appreciate
her efforts.

throughout the whole weekend,
renesmee has been
preparing her report
in front of the mirror,
and when the big day comes,
she is ready.
she believes so.

* * *

the teacher barks.
she is in a rather
unpleasant mood today.
the class shivers.
renesmee, however,
shows no fear.
she is ready.
time to be herself.
and not renesmee
the hybrid,
the imprintee,
the perfect daughter.
but renesmee -
the sweet girl,
the loving one,
the open one.

she stands up
and begins to talk.
she points at her tight skirt,
"i chose to wear a skirt."

the class just watches.
what is she trying to explain?
"do you know why?",
renesmee asks.
some people look at
each other in confusion.
the teacher doesn't seem
renesmee then begins
her oral report,
talking about self love
and how important is
to respect and love
your body
to be healthy and happy.

she wishes
declan to be here,
to support her.
if he was there,
he would have been
the most supportive.

typical declan.

"and that is why
i chose to wear
a s k i r t."
renesmee finishes
her report
with a smile.

and that is whenthe class applausesand cheers

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and that is when
the class applauses
and cheers.
"go, remi!"
someone yells.
even the teacher
softens a little.
she says
and lets renesmee
sit back at her seat.

outside of the classroom,
declan has surprised
his girlfriend.
he has heard
about her success.
as soon as renesmee
leaves the classroom,
he envelops her
in a hug
and kisses her lips
like he has never kissed her
b e f o r e.

and the whole class

"remi and declan!"

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