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renesmee is in shock

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renesmee is in shock.
why is jacob here?
she approaches him
with her friends,
who are just as
confused as her.

jacob softly smiles.
"hey, ness."
shayla makes
a weird face
at his nickname
for her new friend
and so does declan.
he has just met her
but he likes her
very much.

"uh, hey, jake?"
renesmee raises
her eyebrow.
it's more
like a question
than a simple

he chuckles
a little.
"come on.
your parents
are waiting
for you."

she can't go home.
she has work to do.
she has promised
her friends
to work on the project
with them
at the coffee shop nearby.
she can't just ditch them.

shayla looks at renesmee.
"is he your guardian?"
and then looks at jacob,
"can she stay, please?"
nicole adds in:
"we have to make a project."
renesmee looks at jacob
with pleading eyes.
she knows
he can't resist them.
declan joins in
to help his friend.

jacob gives up.
"fine. but make sure
you call your parents,

renesmee nods,
her friends
squeal happily.

"see you at home,"
jake says goodbye
and leaves the gang.

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now