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renesmee is miserable

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renesmee is miserable.
she has great friends,
excellent marks
and a loving boyfriend.

then what's wrong?


jacob fücking black.

that is what is
w r o n g.

months of happiness
have been ruined by
h i m.

the devil.
the beast.

on their weekly
outing, he has
decided to tell
her something.
l i f e c h a n g i n g.

or so he thinks.

he says and
attempts to
hold her hand.


no one but
can hold
renesmee's hand!

she pulls away
her hand,
slightly irritated.
she doesn't want
jacob to touch her
like that.
it's too intimate.

"i imprinted
y o u."

renesmee furrows
her eyebrows.

that's it?
that's what
he has
to tell her?

she already
knows that.
she remembers it.
she remembers
the horrible day
when that bastard
has looked at her
in the eyes
and has ruined
her whole life
f o r e v e r.

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now