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once seen,twice believed

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once seen,
twice believed.

that's the case
in the Cullen family.

one day, while bella
is cleaning around,
she hears a squeal
from renesmee's

edward is gone
out to port angeles
to buy songs for the piano
for renesmee to practise.

bella approaches
the door
and what she sees
is a bit surprising.

bella approachesthe doorand what she seesis a bit surprising

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renesmee has
received a message.
"meet me at the bakery
after school."
it's from declan.
what a surprise!
she almost
cries from joy.

maybe he likes her back?

but bella,of course thinksit's jacob,who's texting her

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but bella,
of course thinks
it's jacob,
who's texting her.
she doesn't even
suspect that it could
be someone else.

someone bound
to love renesmee

why does it
sound so familiar?

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now