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the holiday inbrazil

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the holiday in

is the most amazing


in both


and declan's

not only they've

seen beautiful


not only they've
learned about

the culture

and have gone sightseeing.

their first time
has been there,
in the same yellow
bedroom in which

renesmee's parents
have been in.

but unlike them,

they haven't broken

the bed, nor they have

conceived a baby.

renesmee has had

planned a lovely

romantic night

for them two,
setting the mood

with candles
and all the windows

opened, soft

wind blowing through

the curtains.
she has prepared him

his favorite dinner.

they have danced in the
evening after their meal

and somehow,
without planning,

just like it's
supposed to happen,
on the next morning,
they've woken up
in each other's arms,

their naked bodies

tangled in the sheets.

they'll never forget

to laugh when they

recall their first time.

their love
is now
l o c k e d .
nothing can
break it.

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now