16 | amative girls

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renesmee is ridingher bike,excited to see declan

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renesmee is riding
her bike,
excited to see declan.
the trees,
the buildings,
the people . . .
they're all
just a blur
for her.

all that matters
is declan.

she wants to hear
his voice,
him cracking jokes
about hairy eggs
and funny plants.

when she arrives
at the bakery
and puts her bike
on the rack,
declan is already
there with his bike.

she shyly approaches him.
she can't control
her blushes
and chuckles,
just like her
mother once.

he chuckles too.
and she thinks
she's seen
some blush
on his cheeks

less lonely.

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now