Twilight Fan Fiction Awards Fall 2017 Winner!
about a girl
who loved him
but was forced
to pretend
to feel the same
for somebody else
as well.
❝I really like this story, even though I like the Jacob and Rene...
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the first few weeks of school are perfect for renesmee. not only she has new friends, but she also thinks she might have caught the love bug.
everywhere. everywhere she goes, there's always something, there's always something little that reminds her of declan cartwright. whether it is someone having similar giggle to his, or wears similar clothing to his, there's always something little.
she loves his crooked smile, the way he rolls his eyes at lunchtime when there is sloppy joe for lunch.
at home, her parents have noticed her strange behavior. but they think it's something else. they've seen her once hold hands with jacob and now they think she's in love with him.
she loathes jacob! she loathes everything about him! she loathes how he has looked her in the eyes, those chocolate brown eyes, and in the blink of an eye, he has ruined her life.
how can you not hate jacob black?
nobody refuses to believe the truth - that renesmee has just practised using her gift, so that maybe one day, she can hold hands with declan and not show him her thoughts.
they all believe what they want to believe - that the imprinting magic works.
but it doesn't. it doesn't always work this way. renesmee is no emily, no rachel, no kim.
she is just r e n e s m e e. and she'll always be.