29 | amative girls

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renesmee gets upwith flairone morning,ready to goto schooland take on the world

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renesmee gets up
with flair
one morning,
ready to go
to school
and take on the world.

she is not letting
declan or anyone,
including her feelings
to boss her around.

at breakfast,
she gives her parents
kisses on the cheeks.
that's new for them.

"what's the occasion,
sweetheart?", her mom
asks her.
nessie just chuckles.


she goes by nessie,
just like when she
has been a child.

she is going back
to her old self.
and her daily outfit
and behavior
prove it.

she is even wearing
her locket.
the one which
she has got
before the battle
with the volturi.
and the cullen crest.
and the bracelet
she has got from jacob
for her first christmas.

and the braceletshe has got from jacobfor her first christmas

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nessie placesher handon her mom's cheek

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nessie places
her hand
on her mom's cheek.

"did you miss this?",
she thinks,
her thoughts echoing
in her mom's mind.
bella gasps from joy.
she is even happier
when her daughter
drinks a cup of
animal blood.
she hasn't consumed it
in years.

"she is our nessie again!",
exclaims bella,
when her daughter
leaves for school.

and edward can't help,
but agree.

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now