07 | amative girls

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when renesmee arrives,she is greeted by peopleshe doesn't know

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when renesmee arrives,
she is greeted by people
she doesn't know.

they ask her
how her summer
has been.
she is flattered
that they seem
to care
about her.

"we don't know
each other,
do we?"
a blonde cheerleader

renesmee shakes
her head, chuckling.
"i'm new here.
nice to meet you."

it ends up
that the cheerleader
is called shatifa
and the boy with
the weirdly shaped
kind of dorky glasses
is her boyfriend.

they compare schedules.
they have no classes
but that's fine.
at least renesmee
knows someone
she will feel
less lonely
in this big,
crowded school.

but she doesn't know
what's waiting
for her
in english class.

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now