Twilight Fan Fiction Awards Fall 2017 Winner!
about a girl
who loved him
but was forced
to pretend
to feel the same
for somebody else
as well.
❝I really like this story, even though I like the Jacob and Rene...
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at the end of the school day is when everybody learns who jacob is, who is nessie's new lover. jacob is tall and muscular, unlike most boys in the school. his black hair is cropped short and he has a tribal tattoo on his shoulder, contrasting with his russet skin tone. if only they know the story behind it.
"jacob!", nessie yells happily and runs in his arms in front of everyone.
some students take photos. they're gonna post them on facebook, probably. fine, do that. let the cullens see the new nessie. more like, the nessie they want back.
jacob laughs heartily and so does nessie. but she doesn't know that he is truly happy to see her. she has no idea that he has been waiting for this day to come, ever since she has become a teenager.
"how are you?", he asks when he lets her go and holds her hand. renesmee shows himher day via her ability, careful not to think of declan. jacob doesn't need to know anything.
"so," he asks, "where do you want to go?"
she shrugs. "up to you."
he smirks. he knows exactly where to take her.
and together, they go in a wonderful and romantic place. jacob has found it, while hiking in the woods one day. he has thought that maybe nessie will appreciate it.
he is right. she does. the old nessie loves everything that her jacob does.
there, together they have a small picnic, play on the rope swings and walk around, hand in hand, while listening to old music on nessie's ipod.
while walking, however, nessie does something unexpected. she leans in and pecks sweetly jacob's lips.
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sounds familiar?
that night, renesmee falls asleep happy. declan - absolutely devastated. and jacob? he is relieved. nessie's words that she has said that day, echo in his mind. "i'm so sorry, jacob. for everything. i really am. i love you."
and three young souls fall asleep in yet another moonless night.
little does one know that love like this won't last forever.
* * *
with the weeks going by, renesmee and jacob's relationship progresses.
her classmates aren't surprised anymore, when they see him waiting for her after school, giving her kisses and hugs.
it angers declan, but for the sake of his beloved renesmee, he says nothing and tries to be happy for her.