09 | amative girls

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shayla comesinto the classroom

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shayla comes
into the classroom.
the teacher
assigns her to sit
with renesmee and declan.

she says quietly,
leaving her bag
on the chair
next to her.

renesmee and declan
greet in synchron.

and just when shayla
is about to introduce herself,
the bell rings
and a girl bursts
into the room.

"yo, cole!"
a boy screams
from the back tables.
the teacher glares at him
and looks back at the girl.

"nicole, how nice of you
to join us,"
she says with a sugary smile,
obviously annoyed with her.

"nice to see you too,
nicole fakes a cowboy-like
greeting, even imitating
the way they push forward
their hats.

"just sit down,
next to shayla,
renesmee and declan."

no need for introductions

Amative Girls ♡ Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now