Chapter One: Moments Of Impact

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Lauren and Camila piled into their vehicle after having dinner in celebration of one year of being together. It was one year of being with the person whom they loved more than anything. The dinner wasn't anything fancy or out of the ordinary, but neither of them cared because just being together was enough for them. 

It was nearing Christmas; the roads were glossed over with snow and the trees were covered in it. The girls would be lying if they said it wasn't their favourite holiday.

They had planned to go spend the holidays with Lauren's relatives in Miami whist the other girls visited their family. Camila glanced at her girlfriend, who was driving. She couldn't help but smile at the girl who she could call her girlfriend. Lauren's eyes were locked onto the road as she was driving. 

"Camz, you're staring," Lauren said and she reached across to grab her girlfriend's hand and brought it to her lips. 

"And what's your point? You're beautiful. How can I not stare?"  Lauren blushed and turned to look at her. 

"Don't be cheesy with me, Cabello. You know that's my thing." 

Camila laughed and they fell back into a comfortable silence. 



They pulled up to a stop sign and Lauren looked at Camila. 

"I know I said it before, but I can't possibly thank you enough for everything that you've done for me. You're my lifesaver, Laur. I don't know what I would've ever done if I didn't have you by my side," the brown eyed girl said whilst holding the other girl's hands. 

"You don't have to thank me for anything, babe. I chose to do it and if I could go back in time, I'd do it all over again. I love you, Camz. I love you so much." 

Lauren lightly stroked Camila's cheek and pulled her in for a kiss. 

"I love you too, Laur. Never forget that." 

"I could never. You own my heart. Even if my mind forgets, my heart won't." Lauren said and kissed her girlfriend again. 

"Promise?" asked Camila as she held her pinky finger out for Lauren to interlock their fingers together. "Promise," the older girl brought their fingers to her lips and kissed it before driving off. 

Camila switched on the radio and their song, "Love will remember" by Selena Gomez started playing. 

"Oh my gosh, Lauren! Our song!" Camila exclaimed.  Camila started belting out the lyrics to the song with Lauren watching her and smiling. 

"I definitely got lucky," Lauren thought to her-self.  The way Camila's soothing voice filled the car made Lauren feel the butterflies she got ever since she realized she started falling for the girl. They both joined in the song. 

"Love will remember you, 

And love will remember me, 

I know it inside my heart, 

Forever will forever be ours, 

Even if we try to forget, 

Love will remember." 

Nearing their home, all was going well, it was just another night but it was special to both girls. It symbolized the end of a year together and a start of a new one. When the song was over, both girls fell into a comfortable silence.

Camila leaned her head against the window and sighed. She was content with her life. Never in a million years would she have thought that things would be the way they are now. She had three amazing friends who cared for her, a girlfriend who she loved dearly and who loved her back with every fibre of her being. What more could anyone could have ever asked for? 

She closed her eyes and started to drift off.  Camila was jolted awake when she heard the screeching of tires. She tried to comprehend what was going on but before she knew it, Lauren yelled out "CAMILA!"

Another car was going to plow into them but luckily, Lauren managed to dodge it; however their vehicle was skidding on the ice, Lauren trying her best to maneuver the car but seemingly failing.

Eventually the car stopped and Lauren glanced over at Camila; she was about to ask if she were okay but she was cut short when a four ton pickup truck collided into the back of them causing the car to crash into a lamp post. 

Camila was thrust forward and hit her head on dashboard, her arm that she used to brace the impact was twisted in a way it shouldn't have been. She was knocked unconscious.

The airbags failing to be deployed for either Lauren or Camila.

Blood started pooling around her head. However, the lamppost which their vehicle hit came crashing down onto the driver's side of the car; crushing Lauren in the process. She groaned in pain. The only noise she was able to let out. 

There was a symphony of noise in the background. Sirens were heard getting nearer and nearer. People started pooling out of their vehicles and nearing the scene. The driver of the truck came out and started sobbing. He claimed that he tried to stop but he couldn't due to the snow.

Both girls laid motionless in the vehicle. The on lookers were too afraid to move them; afraid that one wrong move and they may kill them if they weren't already dead. 

The paramedics arrived to the scene pushing everyone out of the way trying to reach the girls. Camila was pulled out of the car first. They laid her down on the ground; blood stained her top.

She wasn't moving.

They placed an oxygen mask on her and lifted her onto a stretcher and placed her in the back of the ambulance where other paramedics were attending to her.

After a while, Lauren was removed from the wreckage. They placed her on the ground and her body started convulsing; she started choking. They turned her on the side as she was throwing up blood. 

"Shit! Her lung is collapsing! We need to get this girl in surgery ASAP! Come on help me put her in the ambulance," a paramedic yelled frantically. 

She was placed into the back of the ambulance and off they went.  Looking back upon the scene, it was one of pure and utter heartbreak. People were still standing there in a daze, shocked as to what had just unfolded before them. Two girls; 19 and 20 could possibly lose their lives. 

Yes, it's true. Life is all about moments. Moments of impacts that can possibly change your life forever. Moments that can possibly shape you into the person that you are meant to be.

The thing is, there is no way you can't control these moments. You have to let it happen and take its course. Life isn't fair. It never was and it never will be but maybe, you can take the unfairness and learn just how to work with it.

Hey Guys. Thanks for reading. Be sure to comment and vote so I can know if you're liking the story! 😁

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