Chapter Twenty Four: You're Awake

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*Three years later*

Faint chatter battled with the beeping noises, as she tried to regain her senses.  She opened her eyes, but the blinding lights above her became unbearable that she had to quickly shut them. She let out a groan due to the discomfort. Taking a deep breath in, she opened back her eyes slowly, giving it time to adjust to the luminescent light.

The blue canvas above her was transformed into a walled ceiling as her vision became clearer. She turned her head to examine her surroundings; vision was still blurry, as the room wasn't quite clear to her. The moving figure in the distance became closer and closer until she was able to differentiate the person from all things blurry.

"Oh my goodness! You're awake," the petite person, clad in a white uniform exclaimed. Rushing to the bedside, the woman grabbed a glass of water that was kept at the bedside for occasions like this, "Here, have something to drink." But the woman lying in the bed moved away when the nurse brought the glass to her lips. "Don't be scared. It's just some water. Your throat is dry and it's going to burn, so you need to drink some water."

The patient was hesitant for a moment but she obliged letting the nurse feed the water to her. After three sips, the patient mustered enough strength to gently push the glass away. The nurse nodded and set it back onto the bedside.

"Do you know where you are?" She asked as she made her way around the bed examining her vitals which seemed to be rather good for someone who had been in a coma for a little over three years.

Shaking her head 'no', the girl tried to adjust her body in an upright position, unfortunately she couldn't, she clutched her stomach in agonizing pain and sunk back into the bed. The nurse, grabbed some painkillers that were in her front pockets and gave them to the woman, hoping it would ease the pain that she now seemed to feel after all these years.

"You need to be careful. Is it okay if I ask you a couple of questions?" The woman nodded, allowing for the nurse to proceed. "Before I start, my name is Nurse Ariana Grande, but you can just call me Ariana, okay?" Ariana grabbed a clipboard and began her series of questions.

"What is your name?"   

The patient hesitated for a moment, there was a long pause and the look on the patient seemed as one of inner conflict, "I..I don't know," she finally whispered out. "I think it's Camila" The room fell silent, Ariana didn't respond. The patient's first name was known because someone was able to identify her but they didn't know anything else about her.

Now hearing that the girl wasn't even sure of her name, it was going to make Ariana's job a lot more difficult. They hadn't assumed her injury would've been this bad, but being in a coma for the length of time she was in, it was only understandable.

"Camila, what?" She inquired. "Do you remember your surname?"

"I..I don't remember," her voice was shaky and rough due to the lack of use. "Do you know my name?"

"I'm sorry. I don't. You were brought in here and we couldn't identify you. Do you know what day is it?" Ariana asked but she already knew the answer to this.

"I..uh-no," the frail patient responded. Her skin was pale; cheekbones were very visible due to being fed only through intravenous means.

"It's March 3rd, 2020. I'm going to assume you don't know your age, where you're from or remember any personal contact information?" Ariana asked sadly but the girl shook her head, 'no'. The nurse sighed heavily. She wrote something in the clipboard and sat on the edge of the bed.

Tears started to form at the unknown's eyes and soft whimpers left her lips. Nurse Grande, gently took the girl's hands in hers, causing her to flinch but she didn't retract her hand. "Hey.." she cooed. "We'd figure something out, okay? Just try to focus on getting yourself better. We'd take it one step at a time, okay?"

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