Chapter Ten: Should I Trust Her?

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A/N Trigger warning: Talks about medication to treat anxiety/depression. If you are easily triggered, please don't read it. You'd be notified where it is safe to do so.

(PS I did some research on the medication. I'm not too sure if it's accurate. So forgive me if it's not.)

*A few hours later*

While Camila was in her girlfriend's room visiting, their friends were sitting in the waiting room when Nurse Edwards approached them. She was carrying what seemed to be some sort of medication.

"Hey guys, can I have a word with all of you?" Perrie asked when she approached the girls. They all seemed a bit sceptical because they were unaware as to what the nurse wanted to speak about. "Okay, relax. It's nothing bad. I can assure you." Perrie said calming down the girls a bit.

Ally nodded and Perrie took a seat opposite them. "Do you remember when I asked you about Camila's mental health after she cut herself and you told me that she has a history of depression and self harm?"

Normani was the first to speak up. "Yeah we do. She had seemed to be getting better though but I guess this situation triggered her and caused her to relapse."

Perrie nodded.

"Yes, I understand. Relapses can happen." She paused. "As you all know, she had a panic attack last night and I'm sure it won't be the last, so she was prescribed some Xanax for her. It's medication that is used to treat panic disorders, anxiety disorders and anxiety caused by depression. The dosage is on the bottle, please don't skip or let her take the medicine herself. I'm not quite sure if she'd try to overdose but we should be safe than sorry."

"Will this help her?" Dinah asked looking a bit worried.

"Xanax works by decreasing abnormal brain activity and results in a calming effect on the body. All it does is help to calm her down. It works within 15-30 minutes and the effects of the drug will last a few hours."

"And what are the side effects? These things are always loaded with side effects." Ally asked crossing her arms in front her chest.

Perrie sighed. What Ally said was true but she wanted Camila to be okay and she needed to take some medication to help with that. "Well there are a few such as drowsiness, dizziness, feeling tired or irritable, sleep problems, swelling in your hands or feet. But these effects are very rare. However, if you notice any of this, take her off the medication and contact me."

"Are you kidding me? Do you expect us to give her this shit? I won't let my friend consume any of this!" Ally said a bit enraged. "She's already going through so much. I can't make it worse."

"Ally relax. You heard what she said..." Ally cut her off. "No, Dinah. Do you honestly believe that would help her? I don't want to pack this stuff in her and it won't work. It's not healthy."

The girls looked at Normani to be the voice of reason.

"I agree with Ally but Perrie said it is the less common effects and if we notice it, we should take her off it. Simple."

Ally sighed and nodded. "Okay. We'd try her on it for a few days. I just hope she doesn't get any more panic attacks."

(A/N Read from here.)

Perrie handed the bottle of pills to Ally. "If she does, contact me. Let me give you my personal cell number, yeah?" Seeing that Normani was the only person with her phone in her hand, she gave it to Perrie who quickly typed in her number and she returned the phone.

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