Chapter Thirty: Trick Or Treating With You

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(AN Y'ALL 100K. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! When I first started this fic, I honestly didn't think it would reach this far. I wanna thank Fifth Harmony (OT5 foeva) for existing cause without them, I wouldn't have anything to write about 😂 && everyone who read this and stuck with me. Y'all the real MVP. So here's an update to celebrate!)

The traffic crawled up the hill, a turtle could've moved faster than the cars that were barely moving. Two lines of vehicles, each were capable of surpassing over 100 kilometres were going barely over 20 kilometres every other minute.

In each car, the driver sat with the radio on that played their favourite songs or the news, trying to find out the source of the congestion. Some talked on cell phones or texted.

Eventually, the traffic stopped moving. Persons stepped out of their cars, sighed in frustration and sat on the hood of it; waiting to get back onto their way.

Sirens were heard, but no ambulance was seen. It was just another day in the city. One person's misfortune became the inconvenience of the many.

After about half an hour, realizing she would be going nowhere; Lauren Jauregui stepped out of her Jaguar and slammed the door in frustration, she leaned up against her car, running her hands through her hair; which she now removed from its ponytail, she sighed heavily.

Unknowingly to her, someone was watching her from a car away.

She stayed like that for 15 minutes until she grew impatient, pushing off her car, she stuck her head back into her vehicle and honked it's horn.

"For fucks sake. Hurry up and clear the damn roads!" she yelled in frustration and kicked her car tire.

"You okay there, Miss?" the person asked as they stepped out of their old, run down red sedan.

The woman turned her head to come face to face, with a gorgeous brown eyed brunette. If Lauren hadn't been so madly in love with Camila, she would've definitely tried to get the woman's number.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She grumbled. "Not like we're stuck in traffic that isn't even moving," she gestured with her hands. "Some people have places to be."

"I'm not blind. I can see that we're stuck in traffic," she chuckled which caused the green eyed girl to scoff. "You're not very patient aren't you?" she asked smirking.

"Do I know you?" Lauren asked ignoring the woman's question. She was clearly annoyed that she was being spoken to. She hadn't even had her morning coffee and she wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone.

The brunette laughed. "Nah, you don't." Lauren took her eyes off the woman; she saw that people were starting to get back into their, maybe the road was being cleared up. The CEO breathed a sigh of relief and turned to enter into her car. "But I know you," she said softly.

The green eyed woman hadn't heard it, just like everyone else, she was going to head back into her car, but she was stopped by the strange woman.

"I have this for you," she said as she pulled an envelope out of her pocket and handed it to Lauren who looked at it in confusion.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Who...who gave this to you?"

The woman just smiled, patted the CEO gently on the back, before getting back into her red sedan. "You're smart, Lauren. Act like it." She winked at her before driving off.

Lauren stared at the envelope for a few seconds before the blowing of horns caused her to realize just where she was. She got into her vehicle and drove off until she reached somewhere she could've pulled off the road.

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