Chapter Thirty Two: You're Right

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It was another busy day at the restaurant; Camila was swamped with taking orders and cleaning up after the customers. There were two other waiters besides Camila; Drew and Meghan, but they were also swamped. The Cuban picked up trays from the kitchen and gracefully moved from table to table, resting the customers' plates down in front of them. The restaurant was packed to capacity.

An elderly couple sat in a corner, eating side by side, a glass of wine each; bent over their meals. Camila couldn't help but wonder if she and Lauren would've been like that one day. Would they have gotten married? Had kids?

But she realized that she lost the right to think about that a long time ago because she was the one who gave up on them. She didn't blame Lauren.

Not ever.

Because, it wasn't her fault she forgot her. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe things weren't meant to be.

A group of young girls in their teens, sat in another corner of the restaurant, who were helplessly giggling over something they read on one of their phones.

The noise level was high. And the employees couldn't wait for this damned day to be over.

Eventually the last person left, and Drew flipped the sign to 'closed'. He sighed in relief. "Finally. This was the worse day ever!"

Meghan laughed and threw her apron at him. "You literally say that after every day. It wasn't so bad. Right, Camila?"

The brunette didn't hear the question that was directed to her, because she was too absorbed into something that was going on in the world of Instagram.

Meghan approached her and looked over her shoulder to peek at her phone. "Oh dang, she's hot. Is that your girlfriend?"

Startled, Camila dropped the phone and it fell, screen first onto the floor shattering. "Oh my god, Meghan!" Drew bent down and picked it up, handing it to the woman.

The screen was shattered and unfortunately it wasn't coming on.

"Shit, Camila. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I'd buy you back a phone, I promise," the woman apologised profusely.

The Cuban combed her hand through her hair. "Its fine, Meghan. I'll drop it off to get fixed or something," she shrugged mindlessly.

Camila didn't have much need for a phone besides to call Ariana or Maggie. And most of the time, both of the women were always around, so she didn't have any use for it. Besides to stalk Lauren of course and an occasional look at her former friends' profile.

They all seemed to be happy without her. They moved on with their lives and made new friends. She was happy that they did, but couldn't help the hurt that she felt as well. "And that woman...she's not my girlfriend."

Meghan nodded. "I'm sorry...I just assumed. You were staring at her and it just looked like you were into her or something.." she drifted off. Camila didn't answer, she just shrugged and slipped off her apron and tied her hair into a ponytail.

"You guys should probably head out. I'd close up and head home," the other two employees nodded and exited the restaurant.

Camila sighed heavily before, she turned to switch off most of the lights and lock up. It had become a routine for the Latina. She would get to work, do her duties, lock up and then head home, exchange some words with Maggie. And the occasional Ariana; if she was there and most of the time she was.

Camila wondered if something was going on between the nurse and restaurateur but she didn't want to get involved in their business. She never went out or hung out with Drew and Meghan even though they invited her out for drinks a lot of times.

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