Chapter Two: Camila

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Lauren's POV

My body is numb. I had not the slightest of clues as to what was happening. The noises around me were deafening. I tried opening my eyes but it hurt too much; slowly I managed to open them a bit. I was hit with a bright light.

"Where am I?" I thought to myself and groaned due to the light being so bright

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"Where am I?" I thought to myself and groaned due to the light being so bright. I shut my eyes slowly.

I tried to move but I couldn't. My mind and body wasn't synced. As much as I tried to get some part of me to move, I failed. There was talking all around me but I couldn't comprehend anything that was being said. With my eyes closed, I felt someone's hot breath against my ear.

"Hey there sweetheart, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm still going to say this

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"Hey there sweetheart, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm still going to say this. I'm not going to leave your side. Okay? We can only do so much but it's all up to you. If you stay, if you live; it's all up to you. You control this whole thing. Give it all you got because your friend you came with, she's going to need you. Whatever fight you got left in you, love; you got to pull it out now. Be strong."

I felt the person gently squeeze my shoulder. Whatever I was on started moving again and I heard the opening and closing of doors.

"Camila," I thought. "Where is she? Is she okay?"It was the last thing I managed to think before I lost control of my consciousness.


Dinah, Ally and Normani were all sitting on the couch; in their shared apartment, sipping on some hot chocolate flipping through the channels looking for a show they all could agree on.

"Guys, shouldn't have Mila and Lauren been home a while ago?" asked Ally.

Normani shrugged.

"Ally chill, it's their anniversary. Let them have some Camren time," Dinah said; still flipping through the television.

"I know but I'm just worried. They should've at least sent a text and let us know that they were going to be a while."

"I know but they're.." Dinah was cut short by Normani.

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