Chapter Eight: Going Home

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Camila's POV

After eating, an hour later Nurse Edwards and Doctor Rexha came to run some final tests on me. If all went well, I would be able to leave. And if I was being honest, I wasn't looking forward to leaving Lauren in this hospital by herself.

Even though I wasn't able to see her or talk to her, being in the general area where she was, made me feel some sort of comfort. It had only been a few days and it was driving me crazy, Lauren needs to wake up soon. I can't lose her. I can't even begin to imagine my life without her.

Nurse Edwards was checking my heart monitor, whilst my Doctor seemed to be going through something on her clipboard.

"How are you feeling, Cabello? Any pains?" Doctor Rexha asked glancing up from her clipboard.

I simply shrugged and shook my head 'no'.

"And what about your wrists? Are they hurting?"

I looked down in embarrassment. I hadn't intended to harm myself but it was the only thing I thought would've somewhat numbed the pain of everything that was going on.

"I hurts a bit but it's fine," I mumbled.

"Well everything seems to be okay, Camila. Your vitals are fine but your blood pressure is a bit high. I'm guessing it's from a lack of sleep, so you need to get a lot of rest, okay?" My nurse said and I just nodded.

"Can I leave now?" I asked looking at my doctor.

"Not so fast, Cabello," Doctor Rexha laughed. "I just have to run through some things with you okay? Firstly, you need to come back within 4 to 6 weeks so we can look at your hand. It should be healed by then. You'd have to undergo some physical therapy sessions as well. Remember not to get your cast wet okay? And as Nurse Edwards said, get some rest and take care of yourself. You're free to go whenever you're packed and dressed."

And with that my doctor whispered something to Perrie causing her to have a shocked expression on her face.

"What was that about?" I asked my nurse while getting off the bed.

"Bebe said that she knows about our rendezvous last night. But she said it's okay and that she would arrange for you to be able to visit Lauren whenever you want."

I smiled.

"Why are you two so strangely nice to me?" I asked because I never once found anyone willing to help me besides Lauren and the girls.

Perrie laughed and said, "Can't we be nice to a patient? But I don't know I guess it's because we want to help you. Oh and hey, do you want to see Lauren before you leave?"

"Yes I do, just give me five minutes and I'd be ready."

She nodded and I went into the bathroom to change into some sweats and a loose fitting tank top. I was trying to comb my hair but doing that with one hand was quite a task so after many attempts of trying to put it into a bun, I grew frustrated and left it down.

When I was finished, I looked at myself in the mirror and saying I looked like shit would be an understatement. It had only been a few days and under my eyes had bags; and not the Gucci kind, my skin seemed pale but it was nothing to compare to what Lauren had to endure.

I met Perrie outside and she guided me towards Lauren's room in silence. I took a deep breath before entering the room of my girlfriend. I would never grow accustomed to seeing her lifeless body there on that bed, but it was something that I only hoped to endure for just a short amount of time.

"Hey baby, it's me, Camila....again," I sighed and gently picked up her hand in mine intertwining our fingers. Her hand was cold and the sensation of her skin against mine, quelled my need to feel her for a while.

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