Chapter Twenty: The Antique Shop

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Today was the day Camila was finally getting her cast off. It's been a few weeks since the group's sleepover at Lauren's and nothing had changed. The green eyed girl did not remember anything after that little moment but Camila had no intentions of giving up on her. No matter how much it was hurting her, she loved the girl and she would do anything to help her. Over the past few weeks, she and Lauren had been slowly rebuilding their friendship.

Every day, even if she had to work, Camila would visit Lauren. They'd usually sit and watch movies or on the days when Clara took her daughter into their back yard, the both girls would sit and engage in light conversation. Camila never raised the topic of their relationship because she was afraid of pushing the girl. She wanted her to remember on her own. Like Lauren had promised, "even if my mind forgets, my heart would remember", and Camila was planning on holding onto that promise.


"How does it feel to be out of your cast, Camila?" Perrie asked the girl, who was looking at her arm, enjoying finally being free out of that dreadful thing.

"It feels great! A bit weird, but great. I'm glad I have full use of my hand now." She flexed her hand. "Time to get back in the ring and defend my title," Camila joked.

Perrie had a panicked look on her face, "Not so fast Floyd Mayweather. You still need to take it easy for a few weeks. Don't do any strenuous activities. You may be out of your cast, but you're still healing."

"I know, Perrie. I'm not going to go pick a fight to break my hand again. I promise I'd be good" she smiled.

The nurse playfully punched the younger girl on the arm. "I'm going to miss seeing your annoying self around here."

Camila scoffed. "I'm not annoying." She pouted and crossed her arms. "But I'm going to miss you too. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I really appreciate it," Perrie didn't say anything; she just pulled the girl into a tight hug.

"You don't have to thank me for anything, love. I did it because I wanted to," Perrie said after pulling away from the hug.

"I hope this doesn't seem too weird but, would you you hang out outside of the whole hospital atmosphere sometime?" The girl stuttered and looked down bashfully. Perrie hadn't responded, so the girl quickly threw in another statement, "It's okay if you wouldn't like to...I was just wondering," she mumbled sadly.

"Oh no no no. I'd actually really love too. I was just a bit surprised is all. I'd really love to be your friend, Camila. You're a great girl," she smiled softly at Camila. "Give me your phone, let me put in my personal phone number, even though I believe one of your friends, Normani was it? Has it already." After typing in her number on Camila's iPhone, she handed the girl it back. They chatted for a few minutes after and planned to meet for some coffee in a few days. Camila bade her farewell and headed to the mall to grab some things she needed.


Meanwhile, Lauren was at home, sitting in her backyard. Everyday her mother would bring her downstairs to get some fresh air. She knew just how much her daughter hated being cooped up in her room all day. Ever since she was a child, she would be outside playing on her swing set or playing soccer with their neighbour's son. She was always an energetic child, and one can simply imagine just how much she hated being confined to her wheelchair and bedroom.

She was looking at the little kids through the spaces between their white picket fence, running around and throwing water balloons at each other. Lauren was so caught up in her own thoughts, that she hadn't noticed the presence of her friend not too far behind her. Subconsciously, the green eyed girl started humming the tune to a song, its lyrics and title remained a mystery to her, but somehow the tune was stuck in her head. The Latina's friend was about to approach her but when the familiar tune filled her ears, she stopped dead in her tracks and a soft gasp escaped her lips.

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