Chapter Three: Where Is she?

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Camila's POV

The smell of bleach protruded my nostrils. I scrunched up my eyelids trying to keep the bright lights from entering them. I felt powerless. My body wasn't moving no matter how hard I tried. It was as though my brain and body weren't in sync anymore.

I slowly started blinking, desperately trying to open my eyes, to see what was around me. The blinding lights, the beeping noises, the chatting outside the door. "Where am I?" I thought to myself. As my eyes adjusted to the blinding lights, I then realized that I was in a hospital; strapped on to machines.

To my far left, I could see my best friend; Dinah sleeping in a chair

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To my far left, I could see my best friend; Dinah sleeping in a chair. Her face was tearstained. It broke my heart to see my best friend in that state.

I had no memory of how I got here, but my body was throbbing, especially my head. The pain was agonizing. When I looked down, I noticed that my left arm was in a cast; I couldn't feel my hand. It was numb.

I glanced at my other side and saw that I was connected to IV fluids. There were cords all over my body that were connected to various machines. I started panicking. What the hell happened to me? Then it snapped inside my head.

"LAUREN!" I yelled out and tried my best to wobble off my bed. I yanked out the cords which caused the machines to start making a lot of uncontrollable beeping noises. I tried to stand up but my head started spinning and before I knew it I fell.

The noise caused Dinah to jolt awake.

"CAMILA! What the...Doctor! I need a doctor in here!" Dinah yelled and rushed over to me trying to help me up.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and easily pulled me up.

"Where's Lauren? Is she alright? Dinah take me to Lauren, please. I need to see her."

"Chancho, calm down. You need to focus on yourself right now. You took a nasty fall. C'mon let me help you back on to the bed."

I allowed her to help me because she was right; the fall caused me even more pain than I was already in.

Not too long after, a woman clad in a white coat walked in with a clipboard and approached my bed. She sent me a warm smile and I rolled my eyes. "How can she be so cheery in such a situation?"

"Ms Cabello, it's nice to see that you're awake. I'm Dr. Rexha. I'm going to ask you a few questions. Answer them to the best of your ability, yeah? Save your questions to the end of the examination."

I simply nodded.

"Can you please tell me your name?" she asked and I scoffed. What kind of stupid question was that?

"Karla Camila Cabello," I said irritated.

"Do you know where you are and why you're here?"

I nodded.

"I'm in the hospital. I got into an accident coming home from a restaurant with my girlfriend; Lauren."

Lauren... I have not the slightest idea of if she's okay. I need to see her.

"Okay that's good. Well you sustained a few scrapes and bruises. Nothing too bad. A nurse will be in not too shortly with your medication," Dr Rexha said while looking at her clipboard. She then walked over to the X-ray illuminator and slipped what I assumed was my X-ray in it.

"As you can see here, Ms Cabello..." I rolled my eyes; I'm not a doctor, bitch. I don't  understand what the x ray is showing.

"You suffered a fracture to your forearm. It was an open fracture and required immediate attention to fix that sucker before you fell risk to an infection. You'd experience a lot of swelling, numbness to the wrist or even weakness in your fingers. However, within 4-6 weeks, everything will be okay. You'd have to keep your arm fully rested until it gets better, okay?"

A few seconds after, a nurse came in with a tray bearing some medication.

"Hi, Camila. I'm Nurse Edwards," she smiled at me.

"God. Why are these people so cheerful?" I thought. She handed me some painkillers and I immediately took them because everywhere was hurting and I couldn't bear the pain.

The nurse ran a few tests on me to see if everything was okay with me. Then she spoke to my doctor and left.

"Well everything seems to be okay with you as of now. We'd have to keep you for 24 hours just in case of anything. Do you have any questions?" the doctor asked and I nodded.

"Yes. One. Where is the fuck Lauren? I sat down here and listened to you ramble on and on about your medical shit, now tell me, where is my girlfriend?" I said irritated.

Dinah approached me slowly and sat on my bed. She stroked my arm and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Dinah, you better tell me where the hell Lauren is or I swear to god..." I yelled.

Dinah sighed and passed her hand through her hair; her face looked as though she was trying to figure out the right words to speak to me.

"Chanch...Lauren...she's in the emergency room. The accident...she was hurt badly. She lost a lot of blood and has been in and out of consciousness since you got to the hospital. They're operating on her right now," Dinah said sadly with tears welled up in her eyes.

", no, NO! That's not true! I have to go see her," tears streamed down my face. I tried to hop off my bed but Dinah grabbed me.

"Mila, you can't go in there."

"Yes I can! Let me go, Dinah!" I screamed at her.

"Mila, please. You'd see her when she comes out. She's going to be okay. You have to rest, Camila. There's nothing to do but wait."

"You don't fucking know that, Dinah! Let me go. Shit Dinah! Let go of me!" I pleaded struggling to get out of her tight grip on me.

Doctor Rexha and Nurse Perrie tried their best to keep me pinned to my bed. Kicking, screaming; I tried my best to fight them off.

"For fucks sake let me go! Let me go! I need to see her! Please," I looked at Dinah with pleading eyes but she slowly backed away from the bed allowing the doctors to do what they had to. She was crying but I didn't care. I had to see Lauren.

My nurse walked away leaving my doctor to pin me down, then she came back with a syringe. Before I knew it, I slowly stopped screaming and fighting them off.

My eyes started to get heavy and I drifted off, not fast enough before I heard my doctor say; "If this is how she's reacting with Patient Jauregui in surgery, I hope she doesn't die."

And with that I drifted off into perpetual darkness for who knows; a few hours maybe.

Hola! Thanks for the 2000+ reads so far. I'm pretty stoked about that!
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