Chapter Thirty One: I Am Thankful For You

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There were exactly 4 more days before Lauren's 24th birthday.

Occasionally, she would catch her friends whispering behind her back and every time she asked them about it, they would act weirdly.

Lauren had hoped that they weren't planning anything for her birthday, because just like every single one after her 21st, she was not excited. Nor was she willing to 'put up with that shit' as she so fondly stated.

The CEO's black Jaguar had just pulled up in front of Danceline Studio; Dinah's studio that is. Dinah didn't tell her green eyed friend what she wanted, but she needed to have a word with her after her random visit to her family's cottage at Lake Harmony. She found it rather strange that out of nowhere the girl would want to go especially after all these years and without a reasonable explanation.

Lauren got out of her vehicle and entered the studio. Slipping her sunglasses off her eyes, anyone would've seen just how physically worn the woman was looking. Under her eyes, there were huge dark bags. She hadn't been getting much sleep; a lot recently because every time she closed her eyes, she saw Camila. And as much as she tried to push any thought of the woman away, it was impossible. She kept seeing those big brown doe eyes that she loved, and that smile...that damned smile Lauren couldn't get enough of. She hated it just as much as she loved every thought of the woman.

"Dinah?" Lauren called as she entered a room. She was met with Dinah looking intently at a group of young dancers who were dancing along to some song called 'He Like That.' It was by some group; Little Mix, Harmony Five, Fifth Mixers, was it? Lauren wasn't exactly sure of the name. But she did enjoy the vocals from the girls. "Damn, they're good."

Dinah smiled brightly when she heard that from her friend. Over the past few years, she was highly critical and to get a compliment from her, meant a lot. The choreographer nodded proudly. "Yeah they really are." Dinah clapped her hands to gain the girls' attention. "That's enough for today, ladies. You're killing it as usual!" The girls smiled and muttered a shy 'thank you'. They didn't exactly think they were that good but Dinah was one of the best and if she said you were good, then you were. "Be here at 12pm tomorrow and we'd work on the rest. Have a good evening, girls."

After the dancers left, Dinah turned to her friend, with a drink in hand and a kinked eyebrow she stared at her waiting for a response as though, Lauren would know why she called her here. "Is there a reason why you requested my presence, Dinah?" The CEO questioned with a bit of an attitude.

"Why did you want to visit my family's cottage?" Lauren scoffed and muttered out a 'seriously'. The conversation could've very well been done over the phone, but Dinah knew the second that she question Lauren about it, she would brush it off or hang up.

"Is this seriously the reason you dragged me out here, Dinah? I'm busy. I have work to do," she was frustrated. Lauren passed a hand through her hair and turned to walk away.

"Lauren stop!" Dinah grabbed her hand and spun her back around. "What is your problem!?" The choreographer was starting to get pissed at her friend's behaviour. She kept lashing out at everyone who didn't deserve it.

Forcefully, Lauren snatched her hand away from her friend. "My problem is you! My problem is everyone who's trying to question what I do, who's trying to get into my head and figure me out!" she threw her hands up. "Stop it! Stop trying to understand me. Stop trying to figure me out. Because I don't want it!"

Dinah scoffed. "We're your friends, Lauren! Maybe you should start acting like ours!"

"MAYBE I DON'T WANT ANY FRIENDS!" Lauren practically screamed. "MAYBE I'M SICK AND TIRED OF HAVING PEOPLE OVER ME ALL THE TIME, TREATING ME AS THOUGH I'M MADE OF GLASS." She did have point. Her friends did tiptoe around her, around her feelings and around the mention of Camila; because they knew how sensitive the topic was. But they weren't trying to make Lauren feel bad. They only did what they thought was best.

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