Chapter Sixteen: Starting Over

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*One Week Later*

"Hello Lauren, how are you feeling today?" Doctor Mahfud asked his patient with a smile on his face.

Lauren sighed dramatically, "I'd be okay if I were to be out of here, Toni. You know that. So lay it on me." She clapped her hands together. "When can I get to go home?"

Checking his clipboard the doctor responded. "Your vitals over these past few days have gotten a lot better. You can finally breathe on your own and I'm quite impressed with the improvements you've been making physically even though you can't walk on your own but that's because of your broken leg. But I can say that you're free to leave the hospital whenever your parents come for you."

"Yes! Finally, I can go home. No offense, Toni but it sucks being in here. It's all morbid," Lauren said relieved at the fact that she can leave the hospital.

Toni chuckled. "I understand what you mean but it's worth it when you manage to save someone's life. Even if for your entire career you save at least one person, it'd be worth it."

Lauren nodded. "I'm glad to see that you fulfilled your dreams." He smiled. "I always knew you'd make a great doctor one day and now look at you."

Toni chuckled, "Thank you, Lauren. It means a lot. What are you studying now? I remember you saying you always wanted to go into politics."

"From what I can remember, I believe I'm majoring in Business Administration and doing a minor in Politics," causing Toni to laugh and shake his head.

"See! I knew it! You'd make a great politician one day. Hashtag LaurenForPresident2020." This caused the green eyed girl to laugh. "I'm proud to hear that you followed your dreams, Laur. You'd be a powerful businesswoman one day."

They fell into a comfortable silence until Toni said that he had to leave and continue his rounds leaving Lauren to rest.


"Um..hi," a smile voice came from by the door causing Lauren to glance up from her phone to see who the visitor was.

It was Camila.

She still came to the hospital everyday but only when someone else was visiting. For some strange reason, she couldn't face her girlfriend alone. She wasn't even sure if she could continue to call Lauren her girlfriend.

They never got the time to talk about it and Camila feared for the worse because if she brought it up, maybe Lauren wouldn't want to be with her anymore and she wasn't sure if she could handle that.

The green eyed girl had a genuine smile on her face when she greeted the younger Latina, "Hey Camz. How are you doing?"

The slip of the nickname was enough to catch the brown eyed girl off guard. Her heart began thumping against her chest and she stood frozen looking at Lauren. "C-camz?" She was finally able to get the word out. Camila hadn't been called that since before the accident and Lauren definitely hasn't called her that since she woke up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let that slip out. I've just been calling you that in my head and it came out. I'm sorry if you don't like it," the girl lying in the bed rambled causing the other girl to smile.

"You haven't called me that since the accident. How did you...did someone tell you that?" Camila stuttered out as she approached the girl's bed cautiously. She hadn't quite gotten accustomed to the 'new Lauren' even though Lauren was always nice to her.

"What? Oh no. No one did. I guess my memory isn't that shitty as I thought then," Lauren said jokily and tapped her head. This elicited a giggle from the brunette. "So hey, you didn't answer my question. How are you?"

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