Chapter Fourteen: Dont Give Up

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Today was one of those days where everything Camila did, it reminded her of Lauren and every song she heard somehow related to her. Camila hated days like these because it reminded her of the one thing she didn't have; her girlfriend.

Her eyes were weak from crying and she was both emotionally and physically worn out. It was nearing a month since Lauren had been in a coma and absolutely nothing was better. Camila tried to be strong but how can you be strong when every fibre in your being was telling you not to?

Camila practically lived in the hospital; it had been a place that she grew quite accustomed to over the past few weeks of being in there every day; whether it was for her physical therapy or to visit her girlfriend. She started her walk towards the room where the one person who meant so much to her was lying there lifeless.

When she was nearing Lauren's room, she saw nurses and doctors rushing towards a room; a room she didn't want them to go in. Camila quickened her paced and stopped in front of her girlfriend's hospital room.

She brought her hand to cover her mouth and the tears were already threatening to fall. The sight she was seeing wasn't a pleasant one. The machines in the room were going crazy with beeping. Dr Mahfud had a defibrillator in hand and was trying to resuscitate Lauren.

"LAUREN!" Camila cried out. "Lauren, please don't leave me. Please." The tears broke its bank and were flowing. "I love you."

Camila started to feel dizzy, she placed her palm on her head and tried steadying herself but it was to no avail. She dropped to her knees. Before blacking out, she was able to hear her girlfriend's heart monitor steadily beeping and everyone else in the room rejoicing.


Camila was slowly regaining consciousness. "When do you guys think she's gonna wake up? I hope she didn't screw up her hand," she could vaguely make out Normani's voice. Her head was hurting too much to focus on anything.

"I don't think she did. She should be up soon....wait. Guys, I think I just saw her move," Dinah whispered not so softly causing Camila to groan. All this talking wasn't easing her headache. She slowly opened her eyes only to be blinded by the bright lights above.

She groaned again, "Where am I?" She asked dumbly.

"The hospital, Mila. You passed out when you were visiting, Laur," Ally said sadly looking at her friend with sad smile.

Camila shot up at the mention of her girlfriend's name, "Lauren! How is she? Is she okay? I need to see her." She tried getting off the bed but was only held back by Normani.

"Relax, Milz. Lauren is fine. They were able to resuscitate her. She's stable but you have to calm down."

"No! I want to go see her," Camila tried to break free of the older girl's grip on her but it proved futile because she was far too strong. Nurse Edwards burst into the room as she heard the commotion from outside.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay, Camila," Perrie said whilst touching Normani signalling for her to release her grip on her which she obliged. "How are you feeling?" Perrie asked with a soft smile.

"I want to see, Lauren," Camila mumbled and Perrie sighed.

"Okay. Come on, let's go. You can't stay there for too long though as you need a lot of rest," the nurse said and Camila nodded quickly. She didn't care how much time she could've stayed, as long as she saw her girlfriend.

Camila tried slowing her breathing before entering Lauren's room but as usual, she couldn't. Her breathing was heavy and her heart was hammering against her chest. Perrie gave her a smile and a nod before allowing the girl to enter the room and go about her duties.

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