Chapter Nine: Unexpected Meeting

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Camila's POV

"Babe?" I heard my favourite raspy voice that I missed so much.

"Camila? Baby, come on wake up," I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted with my favourite emerald orbs. My heart started racing and I reached across the car and grabbed her face.

"Lauren! You're okay? Is this really you?" My girlfriend arched an eyebrow and was looking at me as though I had gone mad.

"What are you talking about, Camz? Of course I'm okay. Are you?" Concern was laced in her voice and in her eyes. But I chose not to answer; I just stared at her finding it hard to believe that she was okay. Instead she leaned over and placed a lingering kiss on my lips. "I love you, Camz. Never forget that. No matter what happens."

Before I could've even formulated a response, there was a blinding light coming from Lauren's side of the vehicle. It was coming at us so fast that I couldn't process what was going to happen.

"LAUREN!" I yelled out and before I knew it, everything went black. My eyes shot open, my breathing was shallow and my eyes were frantically looking all over trying to process where I was. It was just a dream, I kept repeating in my head but truth be told, it wasn't because it's my reality. Seeing her again, it felt so real.

The thoughts were accelerating inside my head. I wanted them to slow so I could have breathed but they didn't seem like they were going to. Seeing the car coming at us, I couldn't stop replaying it in my head.

My breaths were coming in gasps and I felt like I would black out at any moment. I tried calling out for one of my friends but I couldn't. My throat felt as though someone had their hands wrapped around it and was squeezing the life out of me. My heart was hammering inside my chest like it would burst out at any given moment.

I tried walking towards the door but everything was spinning. I squatted, trying to make everything slow down to something my brain and body could muddle through with but I just couldn't. Before passing out, I saw my door burst open, revealing my three friends who were looking at me with a frantic expression plastered on their faces. Then everything went black.


When I finally regained my consciousness, I was greeted to low murmuring and beeping noises. "Great. I'm in the hospital again," I thought. God, I really didn't want to be back here. Ironic? I know. Because I didn't want to be away from Lauren. However, I couldn't care about what would happen to me.

I started making out the murmurs, it was my friends.

"She's been out for hours. Is she going to be okay?" I heard Dinah asking, her voice was soft.

Normani sighed heavily. "It's only been two hours, Dinah. I guess her body is just tired. But she'd be fine. Don't worry too much."

"What are we going to do, Ally? It's the first night she spent without Lauren and she ends right back in the hospital," Dinah said.

"It wasn't her fault though," that was Normani. "Panic attacks are common especially when you go through such a major event like Camila."

"I know but back to my question. What are we going to do to help her?"

Ally spoke up answering Dinah's question, "There's really not much we can do, Dinah. We just have to be there for her and to make sure she doesn't hurt herself you know?"

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to the blinding hospital lights. My friends were already hovering over me.

"Are you okay?" they all asked in unison and I let out a groan as my response. "I'm gonna get Perrie or Dr Rexha. I'd be right back." Ally exited the room. She's always been such a mother figure to me. It made me see just how much she actually cared.

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