Chapter Twenty Eight: Operation 'Camren' Is A Go

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(AN After this, the real fun begins 😈)

"Can we speak with Lauren Jauregui?" Maggie asked the receptionist at Jauregui Headquarters.

The woman who was clad in a rather tight blouse, looked up from her laptop, with a rather disinterest facial expression. She kinked an eyebrow at the two women before her. They clearly weren't dressed as what she deemed to be 'appropriate' to have a meeting with her boss.

The restaurant owner was clad in a skin tight, blue skinny jeans and a white t shirt with a flannel shirt tied around her waist; whilst Ariana had on a white summery dress with a floral design.

"And who might you two be?" She asked with a bit of distaste. 

"I'm Margaret Lindemann and she's Ariana Grande. We need to speak with Miss Jauregui. It's important."

The receptionist sighed heavily, "Do you have an appointment?"

"Yeah we do," Maggie nodded eagerly.

The receptionist typed on her computer; looking for the names of the women to see if Lauren had been expecting them but to the women's luck, it obviously wasn't on the receptionist's computer.

"I'm sorry but you can't see Miss Jauregui without an appointment. You can schedule an appointment and come back in a few weeks," she popped her gum and sighed again.

Maggie was leaning over the desk, with Ariana a distance off. "A few weeks!? We need to see her now!" she raised her voice. "Please, just ask her to come down. Tell her it's about Camila."

"Ma'am if you don't keep your voice down, I'm going to have to call security," the receptionist glanced across the room in search of the security.

The nurse approached her friend and rested a hand on her shoulder and tried to pull her away from the desk but she shrugged her hand off.

"Maggie, I think we should leave," Ariana whispered into the brunette's ear but she wasn't having it. Maggie saw that there was an elevator nearby that was open and made a mad dash for it.

"SECURITY!" the receptionist yelled out. They were able to nab Maggie before she had stepped into the elevator. The woman was held by the big, bulky guys, who easily lifted her in the air. She was kicking and screaming.

"Put me down you, pendejos," Maggie yelled whilst she tried to get out of their grip. "That's right, I know Spanish."

Ariana shook her head in embarrassment and walked out before the security practically threw her friend out onto the streets.

"YOU ALL WILL BE HEARING FROM LAUREN! SHE'D FIRE ALL YOUR ASSES WHEN SHE FOUND OUT YOU TREATED ME LIKE THIS!" the restaurateur yelled at the men, but they dusted their hands and went back into the building, without a glance at the woman who was ge...

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"YOU ALL WILL BE HEARING FROM LAUREN! SHE'D FIRE ALL YOUR ASSES WHEN SHE FOUND OUT YOU TREATED ME LIKE THIS!" the restaurateur yelled at the men, but they dusted their hands and went back into the building, without a glance at the woman who was getting back up from the ground. "Those fucking bastards," she muttered whilst she dusted her pants. "I can't believe they threw me out. What the hell! I didn't even do anything wrong!"

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