Chapter Thirty Three: Will You Be Mine?

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Lauren's POV

It's a sickness, which was slowly making its way through every single part of my body, breaking down my immune system. It's a physical sickness just how much I love her.

I loved it when she would scrunch her eyebrows together when she was confused about something or deep in thought. I loved it when she would stick her tongue out and have this concentrated facial expression whilst she strummed her guitar. I loved when I would hear her making her way noisily across my bedroom floor, on the mornings when she tried to be quiet so that she wouldn't wake me. I loved the way she said my name with her sexy Cuban accent.

I loved her.

I love her.

I loved her when she loved me, and I loved her even when she abandoned me. Not loving her was something that would never happen. How could it? When she consumed every fibre of my being, every thought I had was about her. So tell me, how could I not love her when she was all that I needed?

The day I asked her to be my girlfriend, it wasn't in a romantic way. I didn't plan it. Just like I didn't plan to fall in love with her. She wasn't doing anything special. I just looked across and saw how engrossed she was in the movie and that's when it hit me.

That's when I knew I wanted her.

I wanted to make her mine. I needed to make her mine.

There wasn't one person in this world that I wanted more than I wanted her.

So, as I sit here and reread this letter that I kept getting from this anonymous person that went by the alias 'Back to December', that's when I remembered asking her to be mine. The initial shock of the question, weighed down on Camila, until she smiled so brightly at me and brought me into a kiss. From that moment on, I knew, that we were meant to be.

Dearest Lauren,
As John Green once said, "You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I am grateful." This will all come to an end soon, Lauren. I can guarantee you that. But, do you remember when this forever started? Did it have the same effect on you as it did on her?

Back to December


"What movie do you wanna see, Camz?" I asked her as she had her arms wrapped around my waist. Our physical interactions had increased over the past few weeks. She initiated them a lot, and when I did it, she didn't flinch away.

Camila shrugged. "It doesn't matter. As long as it's not a horror."

"Me Before You?"

She smiled brightly and nodded eagerly. "OH MY GOD! YES!"

I cleared my throat as we walked towards to the ticket booth. "Daenerys of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First of Men, Queen of Meeren," she giggled cutely.

"Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains....AND," she paused dramatically.

"MOTHER OF DRAGONS," we both exclaimed at the same time causing heads to turn and watch us, but at the time I didn't care and I was glad Camila seemed too caught up to even care as well. We both bursted out laughing.

Every moment I spent with her, seriously topped the last. Even the bad ones, when she was insecure or doubted my feelings towards her, were still some of the best moments of my life, because I spent them, with her.

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