Chapter Four: Good News?

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It was the next day and Lauren had gotten out of the ER a few hours ago. Ally and Normani had gone home to get some rest despite their protests.

Dinah insisted that they went and she would've stayed with Camila; promising that she'd let them know if she heard anything about Lauren. The girl's family were supposed to be arriving at the hospital at any moment.

Camila had been asleep ever since her outburst when she first woke up. Dinah hadn't slept all night. Even though Camila was out of the woods, Dinah was still worried because what if her heart stopped? What if she fell on the ground and snapped her neck? No. She couldn't take that chance.

There was a knock on the door which caused Dinah to snap out of her staring. It was Mr and Mrs Jauregui. Dinah motioned for them to come in and when they did; they pulled her into a tight embrace; they were all sobbing. After a few minutes into the embrace, they pulled away.

"How is she?" Mike asked looking at the sleeping Camila on the bed.

"She's going to be okay. She just broke her hand and suffered some minor bruises but her doctor said she'd be free to go in a few days," Dinah replied sighing and drying the tears that she couldn't seem to stop making.

Mike nodded and wrapped him arm around the girl's neck.

"That's good to know," Clara said and was interrupted before she could Taylor stuck her head into the room.

"Hey mom, dad, Lauren's doctor is ready to see you guys. Hi Dinah."

Dinah sent her a weak smile which Taylor reciprocated.

"Okay. Why don't you come along Dinah? I think we're all worried about Lauren."

She simply nodded and they all exited the room. The Polynesian girl looked over her shoulder and gave her best friend a fleeting glance before leaving.


Upon entering the room, they were greeted to a tall guy, clad in a white coat who they believed was Lauren's doctor. He had his back to them and was in a deep conversation with the receptionist. Taylor nodded towards him, showing her parents the doctor.

"Excuse me, Doctor, you wanted to see us? We're Lauren Jauregui's parents," Mike said causing the doctor to stop what he was doing. When he turned around, Mike and Clara's eyes were opened wide in shock.

"Toni? Toni Mahfud?" they both exclaimed at the same time. "You're Lauren's doctor?"

The doctor chuckled and nodded his head. Dinah and Taylor exchanged confused facial expressions.

"Do you know who he is?" Dinah whispered in Taylor's ear but she just shrugged.

"It's been a while Mr and Mrs Jauregui. I didn't expect to meet you again in such a situation." He said gesturing at the room.

"But we aren't here to speak about me. I'm afraid we have good and bad news. Which would you prefer to hear first?" he asked Lauren's parents whilst looking at his clipboard.

"We'd like the good news, doc." Dinah butted in causing the doctor to look at her with an eyebrow raised.

"She's Lauren's friend. But yeah, give us the good news." Mike said. He had Clara in his arms rubbing her back soothingly. This was all too much for the woman to deal with.

Dr Mahfud sighed.

"Well the good news is that the surgery was successful. Lauren is alive."

"And the bad news?" Taylor asked biting her nails.

"The bad news is that Lauren has suffered a great deal of trauma to her head. She sustained a broken leg, collapsed lung and internal bleeding. Luckily, we were able to stop the bleeding while we did because she lost a lot. However, due to the head trauma, she is in a coma and we can't say for certain when she'd wake up."

Clara gasped and covered her mouth. Her body started shaking with her sobs and Mike held onto her tighter. Dinah's heart, if it hadn't been already broken, it would've been. Tears started streaming down her face whilst Taylor stood there shocked.

"What are you going to do to help her?" Mike asked. His eyes shiny as he was trying to hold back his tears.

"We can only do so much, sir. But she has to wake up for us to know the extent of her injuries. As of now we're only doing what we are capable of. But you must know, that if she wakes up.."

He was cut off by Dinah.

"When she wakes up," she said in between sobs.

"Uh..yes, when she wakes up. However, if she stays in the coma for longer than four weeks, she would be in a vegetative state and the chances of recovering from that is very low. But as of now, we're taking it one step at a time. She'd be receiving medicine for the pain that she'd be in. We'd be monitoring her to make sure that everything is fine. Also, she'd be in a cast for six to eight weeks due to her broken leg. She'd need approximately ten physical therapy sessions twice a week." Dr Mahfud said whilst looking at the distraught family.

There was a deafening silence that filled the room.

"Do you have any questions?" Lauren's doctor asked but everyone was quiet, trying to process all what they have heard.

"Yes. When can we see my daughter?" Clara asked looking up at the doctor.

"Only immediate family as of now can see her. I advise you to speak to her. She would not be able to respond but it helps with the waking up process and it helps them with their brain, to respond to long term memory loss. Nurse Edwards over here will take you to her room." The doctor signalled for the nurse behind the receptionist desk to take them. She seemed a bit too cheerful for someone who was working in the hospital. She smiled at and gestured for the family to follow her.

"Mom, dad..I'd uhh..I'd stay here with Dinah. I can't face Lauren yet..I uhh.." Taylor stuttered looking down.

Mike rested his hand on his daughter's shoulder and nodded.

"It's okay, mija. You don't have to push yourself. Oh and Dinah? You should go home and get some rest."

Dinah shook her head no.

"I'm fine. I have to stay here with Mila."

Mike simply nodded and held his wife's hand and followed the nurse who was waiting for them.

With every step towards their daughter's room, they felt their heart rate speed up. They had no idea as to what their daughter looked like right now and they feared for the worst.

The nurse stopped in front of a room and opened the door for Lauren's parents. They took a deep breath before entering.

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