Chapter Six: How It All Began

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Trigger Warning: It's not that graphic, but there's an attempted suicide in this chapter. Please don't read if you're easily triggered.

Camila's POV

Perrie came to a halt in front of the room which Lauren was in; my girlfriend. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know the condition she'd be in but I was already expecting the worst. My heart was hammering inside my chest and my breathing was growing heavier by the second. The nurse pushed opened the door slowly and there I saw her. I finally saw her. She was attached to so many machines; machines that were preserving her life.

Perrie wheeled me closer to Lauren's bed. Nearing her, I could see that she seemed paler if that were even possible. There was a cut over her eyebrow and unconsciously, I reached out and ran my finger over it. Lauren shouldn't have been here. She shouldn't be laying here in this bed, hanging on to a thin thread that's positioned between life and death. If anyone, it should be me mainly because I would do anything for her. I should be dying. I should be in the coma, not her.

I hadn't even noticed the tears streaming down my cheeks until I felt Perrie gently squeezing my shoulder which snapped me back into reality. A reality I didn't want any part of.

"I'm going to leave you two alone for a bit okay? But you should talk to her; it helps with the waking up process."

I nodded and Perrie slipped out through the door. I sighed and gently picked up my girlfriend's hand and held it in mine's, rubbing mindless circles into it.

"Hey baby. It's me. Camila. I..I don't even know where to begin," I sighed and brought her hand to my lips to kiss it.

"I never expected for us to spend our one year anniversary like this you know, with you laying here and me just talking to you and not getting an answer. I miss you Lauren. I miss your voice. I miss the way I'd randomly catch you looking at me and you'd blush and turn away only for you to do it again. But mostly, I miss the way how you make me feel. It's only been what? A day and I can't see myself going any longer than this. Seeing you here, hurts. It hurts so much knowing that I can't possibly do anything to help you. This life won't mean a thing if you're not in it with me, babe."

My tears were flowing freely now. I didn't have the strength to wipe them away, so I let them fall recklessly down my cheeks.

"Perrie said that talking would help with your memories. Do you you remember when this all started, Lauren? Because I do, it was when my dad came home drunk that day. I couldn't take it...I couldn't handle it anymore and I was done with life."


It was late in the afternoon when Camila had regained consciousness after the brutal beating by her father. Her head was throbbing and there were minor cuts about her body that were bleeding.

"Shit" she grimaced when she tried to get up. She clutched her side. It felt as though someone had kicked her in the rib, but only because someone did.

Tears welled up in her eyes due to the pain.

"I can't. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry. I can't be here any longer," Camila said in between sobs to no one in particular.

She managed to collect herself and stand up with the help of a nearby chair. She glanced at the clock on the wall to know just how much time she had left before her father's return. With a bolt of energy, Camila dashed out her house and kept running to god alone knows where.

The rain in her eyes started pouring, blurring her vision. After running for what felt like forever but in reality, it was only a few minutes, Camila ended up in a place she's never been before. There was a lake with crystal clear water that went on for almost a mile. A tree situated right on a hill overlooking the lake. It was certainly a breath taking site but it was nothing Camila cared for.

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