Chapter Seventeen: Why Don't I Remember Her?

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(A/N Please note that the first flashback is in the third person, whilst the second flashback is in Lauren's POV.)

Lauren's POV

A few days have passed since I've been back home. The pain is becoming endurable but it's still there. I can't move or do anything myself and its so frustrating. My friends visit me every single day along with Camila.

My family, to be more specific, my mother has become unbearable but I know it's because she cares about me. She treats me as though I'm dying, which I told her countless times that I'm not. I understand that everyone cares about me but I would appreciate some time alone for myself.

There was knocking on my door which caused me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Come in," I yelled so the person knew to enter. They stuck their head in and to my surprise, it was Camila.

"Hi, Lauren," she said shyly.

"Hi, Camila," I smiled widely and my voice portraying my excitement. My heart was beating frantically and my stomach was going crazy just by seeing her. I still couldn't quite figure out what that feeling was but I knew it meant something because I didn't feel like that even around the girls. I passed it off as though I was just lonely and yearning for attention.

"Can I um..can I come in?" She asked quietly looking anywhere but me.

"I don't know, can you?" I asked her playfully but she didn't seem to quite get the joke and her face fell. "Hey I was just messing around, of course you can." When Camila opened the door, I saw that she had a stuffed lion in her hand. She shuffled her feet and kept looking down. I couldn't understand why she wouldn't look at me. I missed her deep brown eyes and I missed getting lost in them.

She held out the lion to me. "I brought this for you. I said you'd be alone and I know it's not like a person but you always said Lion King was your favourite Disney movie and I saw Nala at the mall and thought about you, so here." She said it all in one breath. It was heart warming to know that she thought about me even when we weren't together. The idea of the girl buying this just to keep her company was also quite sweet.

"Aw! Thank you, Camz. This is so sweet, I love it," taking it from her, I hugged it close to my chest and I saw relief flash on her face.

"You're welcome. I thought you wouldn't have liked it. It was pretty stupid," she said but I shook my head 'no'.

"Don't say that! It's really thoughtful. I'm going to sleep with her every night from now on. I love it," I said.

She looked at me for the first time since getting here and I saw a ghost of a smile on her lips. I couldn't help but stare at her lips and wonder what it had felt like to kiss them; I snapped out of my indecent thoughts and saw Camila standing awkwardly by my bed.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You can make yourself comfortable on the recliner you know?"

She blushed red in what I supposed was embarrassment. "Um yeah. Thank you." She sat on the chair and stared at her fingers. I couldn't understand why she was so nervous but I remembered what Dinah had told me about her a few nights ago, so I decided to try to make her feel comfortable with me again.

"I like your sweatshirt," I said breaking the silence and she looked up from her lap, surprised that I had spoken to her, then she looked back down to see what she had worn.

It was a yellow minion sweatshirt. It wasn't something I would wear but it looked rather cute on her. "Oh. Thank you. You actually bought it for me a while ago," she stated whilst tugging on the bottom of the sweatshirt.

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